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The Dempsey's Megathread


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I went down there, but found you had to be there before 7.30, apparently it was a group reading for whoever turned up by then, as an audience, so I had to miss it and sit downstairs eating some chips and cheese!

Apparently it was very good, and the clairvoyant will be doing a session again sometime in the next few months!

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PS Back on topic - that picture in the gallery on Shout newspapers web site of Dempeys - how old was that - colin and a few others look like spring chickens in it !



Haven't seen that pic yet, but must keep an eye out for it;

Went to Dempseys late last night after going to a fashion-related photoshoot; I almost lost my rag at the end of the night when I couldn't find my thermal T-shirt, which I thought i'd dropped on the floor, but I finally found it among the rest of my things after searching for the third time! Sorry, Colin, for being so upset!


BTW, I notice that they have some new games on some nights of the week, as far as I recall Tuesdays and Thursdays: there is now regular Bingo and 'Play Your Cards Right'.


Also, very importantly, the POOL TABLE has now been refurbished and its green baize looks pristine again, so it is well worth a play!!!

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I'm so glad you got your stuff back Tyranna - I think Dempeys is a safe place even if you lose your stuff and you can eventully collect it again from behind the bar the next day ... many is the time I have thought I lost my jacket there only to retreive it safe and sound the next day from behind the bar - also I have in the past left art-related stuff behind the bar for other friends to pick up or vice versa and we have always gotten our stuff so I would say Dempseys is one of the friendliest honest places around - also its the only bar I feel relatively safe leaving my drink on the bar and going to the gents - most times someone will look after it for me anyway ... so are you dragging it up anywhere for St Patricks day dear? My club back in Ireland is very busy on Sunday night with no less than 3 drag artists booked !!! It wont be the same without you and your green Amy Winehouse wig ;-) lots of love - Carby

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