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The Dempsey's Megathread


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I would say there is a probable chance I will be a bit tipsy ........... on a % figure ............... about 97% there. :)


:hihi::hihi: I shall more than likely see you there then! Though by the time I get there there may be two of you...... :D

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:hihi::hihi: I shall more than likely see you there then! Though by the time I get there there may be two of you...... :D


How did you know there will be 2 of us :o:o:suspect:, scary


I am meeting her royal highness of the gay scene later on.


Or do you mean you will be a bit tipsy and will see 2 of me, although do you know what I look like :suspect:

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That just about sums-up Dempseys at present - some sad bloke wanting to know if he could meet a nice girl.


Rumour has it that here were a few gay lads in there one saturday night recently... go figure!

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Poor Dempseys - when will they ever get it right...


Imagine - when the drunken girls turn-up at the door, they were told to clear off because (*gasp*) it's a gay club.


Or imagine the drugged-up straight lads being told to do likewise instead of being allowed in because they'll pay and buy a few drinks. Course they'll pay - everywhere else is shut so they'll slum-it with the poofs.


Or imagine that the next time some straight lad is in the loo telling everyone how he "hasn't got a problem with gay people" - instead of the sad queens saying "ooh that's great" they said "well guess what, we've got a problem with you, it's a gay club so sod off"...


Imagine too that when the cage on the dance floor is full of straight girls again, or some straight couple snogging, the staff told 'em to kindly go away and save it for a place where the punters might appreciate it.


Maybe imagine too a dance floor which didn't clear every ten minutes when the slightly mental DJ's put-on some ridiculous ragga beat, some high nrg that is better suited to Ibiza, or that God-awful remix of "Nine til Five" - again. Just think - they could actually play pop music all night instead of waiting until everyone's loving it and then putting a load of garbage on. Wonder why they don't understand that pop music is called pop music because it's er... popular?


Oh well, I fear it'll never happen. Come Saturday night it'll be full of the same saddos, the same straight people who need to get a life, and the same bizarre mix of music which changes by the minute.

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Poor Dempseys - when will they ever get it right...


Imagine - when the drunken girls turn-up at the door, they were told to clear off because (*gasp*) it's a gay club.


Or imagine the drugged-up straight lads being told to do likewise instead of being allowed in because they'll pay and buy a few drinks. Course they'll pay - everywhere else is shut so they'll slum-it with the poofs.


Or imagine that the next time some straight lad is in the loo telling everyone how he "hasn't got a problem with gay people" - instead of the sad queens saying "ooh that's great" they said "well guess what, we've got a problem with you, it's a gay club so sod off"...


Imagine too that when the cage on the dance floor is full of straight girls again, or some straight couple snogging, the staff told 'em to kindly go away and save it for a place where the punters might appreciate it.


Maybe imagine too a dance floor which didn't clear every ten minutes when the slightly mental DJ's put-on some ridiculous ragga beat, some high nrg that is better suited to Ibiza, or that God-awful remix of "Nine til Five" - again. Just think - they could actually play pop music all night instead of waiting until everyone's loving it and then putting a load of garbage on. Wonder why they don't understand that pop music is called pop music because it's er... popular?


Oh well, I fear it'll never happen. Come Saturday night it'll be full of the same saddos, the same straight people who need to get a life, and the same bizarre mix of music which changes by the minute.

So, by your definition, I shouldnt go into dempseys because im straight.......and apparently im a saddo and should get a life.


Im sure Colin & Ian may just disagree with that - I have been a member there for years.


In fact, I worked there doing my BII management course long before it turned into a gay bar.


How would you like it if you were told that you couldnt go into a bar because you were gay ?


I will tell you - you would be screaming discrimination. !


You are the one who should get a life.

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Well, you said it...


Don't know why you want to go to Dempseys and don't really care to be honest.


I agree that Colin and Ian might well think you should be there though - that's one of the main problems with Dempseys - they seem to think it's reasoanble to have a gay club full of straight people and they can't understand why anyone would think this is absurd.


How would I like being told I couldn't go into a straight bar because I'm gay? Well I'd assume it was just another example of discrimination as you say, and get over it - and wonder why I'd want to go in there in the first place. Suggesting Dempsey's customers should be gay? Outrageous! Of course it's discrimination - that's the whole point.


I'm just telling it from a gay person's point of view - and I mean the point of view that loads of people share, but don't bother to say it. I don't mean the tedious bleatings of the "let's all live together in harmony" people - we hear that rubbish too many times as it is - it's just a modern-day version of being in the closet ("I'm out and proud, all my gay freinds accept me and I can be who I want to be - providing its in the right place where I don't think I'm gonna get punched, and if I don't look too effeminate - yuk!). Sorry if you think it sounds like discrimination. It is, and I think it's time we stopped apologising for it. It's a bit like starting an amateur football club and having cricketers join it. The whole concept just doesn't make sense, unless you're the one taking the door profits.

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