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The Dempsey's Megathread


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In short, (and this is the generic 'you' before anyone gets shirty!!) I suppose I'm saying if you don't like it, stay away. If it's beneath you, don't bother. If you are convinced you can do better, do it. If you love it, tell everyone and keep going. It would be so much easier if people accepted that the setup of Dempseys does it for some people and not for others.


And yes, the cheesburgers are rather marvellous, as is the carvery :)


I agree here, and basically sums up some people of SF. You can tell who likes Dempseys, you can tell who doesnt even bother supporting the Sheffield scene and others who go to Leeds. London and Manchester.


But thats how it has been for years. Sheffield will never improve because they will never get the support from the gay population.


The cheeseburgers are rather nice as well :)

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Well said Kittylitter ! I also agree with your sentiments not only on Dempsey's but the general attitude of the Sheffield 'scene'.


By the way, I'm amazed how many people remember so many of the old venues. Makes me wonder how old you all are !!!


(oh, and I was there on the first night at the Adelphi too. Pretty poor turn out and by around midnight you could count the number of people in there on one hand ! Shame as the building itself was really nice).

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I'm new to the boards but went to Affinity for the first time the other night and I felt soo old. I'm just shy of 30 but the crowd was pretty much 18-20 year olds. It would be really great to have a gay bar in Sheffield that actually catered for young professionals (i.e. 25+)... Which leads me on to my remark about Dempseys... it has its regulars and because of that seems to have weathered the ever changing landscape of the Sheffield scene. Gay venues have come and gone but however much criticism is flung at Dempseys, it's still here! I have many fond memories from my early 20s in Dempseys and i'm pleased to see it's still going strong. I just wish there was more variety for those of us 30+, instead of having to travel further afield to places like Manchester/Leeds/Birmingham/etc.

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Yes, some friends of mine, of a certain age (33) were heere from londion yesterday and they felt old cos of all the youngsters in rah rah, they said they felt more at home in dempseys. There is a need for some market fragmentation amongst sheffield gay venues, so different places attarct different markets/ interest groups. Dempseys has the niche as the Scene Stalwart, Xes holds the torch for the 'slightly seedy after hours' category, rah rah rah had a huge number of women last night which was good to see, climax is your generic monthly. maybe this is a discussion for the sheffield gay scene thread?

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I'm new to the boards but went to Affinity for the first time the other night and I felt soo old. I'm just shy of 30 but the crowd was pretty much 18-20 year olds. It would be really great to have a gay bar in Sheffield that actually catered for young professionals (i.e. 25+)... Which leads me on to my remark about Dempseys... it has its regulars and because of that seems to have weathered the ever changing landscape of the Sheffield scene. Gay venues have come and gone but however much criticism is flung at Dempseys, it's still here! I have many fond memories from my early 20s in Dempseys and i'm pleased to see it's still going strong. I just wish there was more variety for those of us 30+, instead of having to travel further afield to places like Manchester/Leeds/Birmingham/etc.


We were talking about this last night in Dempseys, how they have survived everything thrown at them, when Fuel first opened the place was deserted for a while, and when the novelty wore off they came back, look where Fuel are now ............. back in Hull.


The place does attract the 30+ crowd, and saw alot of them last night.


It was pretty quiet on Friday I would guess that could be down to Rah Rah Rah night.


Last night was another different story, so lets put the stupid gossip talk to bed, the place was packed, again, and well over 50 people, I gave up after 51, lol. Plus I hardly saw any straight people there, although I didnt ask everyone, you can tell the straight bloke in a gay bar a mile off. oh and people did seem to be enjoying themselves as well.


The place may get slagged off, which it does on here, by those who dont even bother to go, lol, :wave: hiya Meaks, your eyes ok dear :P:P, you cannot deny that they can still pull the people in.


I wish they would get rid of those stools, they are a bit dodgy when drunk trying to sit on them.

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I would have done, but I found a load of pins and so I stayed in and stuck them into my eyes.


Ooooh Meaks go on you are joking - you could have met up with Spider Pete and me and had a fabulous time ! Dempseys was rammed packed I could hardly make it to dance Floor and certainly not the cage - Spider dear you disappeared unexpectedly as you always do - hope you had a nice time !

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