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The Dempsey's Megathread


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I thought Lobby Carpet was the new drag act.


Hey, I wish I'd thought of that one!


...And after attending Dawn's Birthday on Monday, I was impressed by the new Sophie -Sorry, Sofa that they have installed in the Cocktail Bar.

...Now all they need is a Baby Grand Piano...:hihi:

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Hey, I wish I'd thought of that one!


...And after attending Dawn's Birthday on Monday, I was impressed by the new Sophie -Sorry, Sofa that they have installed in the Cocktail Bar.

...Now all they need is a Baby Grand Piano...:hihi:


Ooooh I am sooo looking forward Pride and to Dempseys being open till 6 - I think I may stay late also I expect the place to be rammed as Sheffields BEST gay pub ! So a few rounds of pool Peter dear? Imagine us staggering out into the day light at 6am it will be just like club xes !


Must admit I didnt nootice the new sofa last time while at cocktail bar knocking back a shot - I was prolly more interested in the hunky topless man sprawled on it ....


Nor did I notice the Lobby carpet Tyranna - I must have a closer inspection netx time when in ... thats certainly something Affinity havent got but then Dempseys is classier ...


Yes a baby grand piano sounds great - I could sit sprawled on it doing my famous Sinatra covers or Martin doing Rocky Horror .... come up and see whats on the slab !


PS: Good to see your fragrant good self in Dempseys again at Dawns do - glad you are over your trauma at Affinity !

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So a few rounds of pool Peter dear? Imagine us staggering out into the day light at 6am it will be just like club xes !


I doubt I will be in no fit state to play pool dear, although you may have a chnace of winning if I am full of drink lol ;):P:P

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He He yes Peter even me might beat you then ....


Oh I just found out its Razor Stillettos 5th birthday party oN Saturday ...


doors open at 9.


Now I am torn between it and Dempseys - Tyranna are tou performing there? I might do it first then Dempseys later play it by ear tho i expect Dempseys will be Chokka later on at 11 - what bad timing to co-incide it with Pride why not the weekend after !!

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Sorry, Carbs.


I'll be at Razor Stiletto, meeting the amazing Jodie Harsh, and, maybe even doing a song...

But I'll just have to wait and see on that one.

I'll be performing at THE VINE, Cemetery Road, tomorrow around 6, as my PRIDE Performance.


Returning to DEMPSEYS, I would like to remind everyone that they will be the ONLY Gay venue open from 10AM TOMORROW, specially for PRIDE.

Hopefully Colin's crew might even do some breakfast for early birds, but I'll just pop in for a coffee and to get changed into drag in the comfort of their surroundings!



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Wow wasnt Dempseys packed last night for Pride - no concessions to members tho we still had to pay 3 quid ! Nice to see some old friendly faces out for Pride ....


Tyranna dear sorry I missed your turn at the Vine - I looked in there at 5 but couldnt see nayone I knew so had one in the Pomona and then off to Lions Lair - did you perform lster on again in Raozr? I missed that too - drat - sounds like your career is on a major upswing keep it coming ;-)

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