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The Dempsey's Megathread


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there is a little rabbity aerial thingy stuck up behind the bar which shows the current date and time in a fast moving hand thingy - its so endearing I have looked at it often when a bit tipsay aware that time is moving swiftly while I glug my time away on this planet.


Dawn and the bar boys sometimes polish it, would that be the Wi Fi thingy ? Other than that I dont believe any of the male management have wiFies !

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The "down" I referred to was her personal attack in Affinity which was unwarranted and over the top !


Actually you didn't refer to a down, did you? I did. Do you even know what you are saying any more or has the Dempseys lager got the better of you again?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Does Dempsey's have Wi-Fi?



As far as I know to date, the acquisition of Wi-Fi is an easily affordable improvement that Dempseys would do well to implement; The Lion's lair also has no wi-Fi; I spotteds omeone using a laptop in there recently, but he was using his own wireless modem card;

Affinity DOES supposedly have Wi-Fi, but, again from finally giving up after several attempts on different occasions (I was told that the venue has some 'blind spots' in reception), I stick to using the Showroom as my regular laptopping haunt...

Maybe Dempseys could obtain a couple of reconditioned (free) computers from Access Space opposite the Rutland, as Internet surfing terminals, like in several other gay clubs in other cities; they would be entitled to a couple of machines in the interests of the fact that the machines could be used to provide free access to LGBT advice, information and health services...:P

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um sorry to hijack your megathread for one post but i've written a poem to read out at "the pen's mightier than the pork sword" tonight at the shakespeare pub, gibralter street, near west bar (part of GALA, sheffield's first gay and lesbian festival) - the facebook event is here for anyone who doesn't know about it yet; i think it's going to be great :)



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um sorry to hijack your megathread for one post but i've written a poem to read out at "the pen's mightier than the pork sword" tonight at the shakespeare pub, gibralter street, near west bar (part of GALA, sheffield's first gay and lesbian festival) - the facebook event is here for anyone who doesn't know about it yet; i think it's going to be great :)




I am having problems picturing where this pub is, even googled it and doesnt ring a bell, neither does the street.


I am hopeless lol :(

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