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The Unconscious Mind

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It is. I have actually changed my subject due to lack of willing guinea pigs to analyse in my initial chosen area...so, am now studying the 'significance of the cultural unconscious' as demonstrated in the choreography of the paso doble (its for my Dance/Movement Psychotherapy course...hence the paso doble).

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I have to write an essay on the Significance of the Unconscious Mind through Image and Metaphor, and I was just wondering how YOUR views may differ. What do you believe is stored there; repressed memories, or your truest self?

Do you have to compare any views/theories already expressed by profs, or use entirely your own material? :shocked: If it's the latter, I'm glad you're writing it and not me :hihi:

So, next part is....

If there are four main attitudes to the cultural unconscious (the religious, the philosphic, the aesthetic, and the social), what are some examples of each of those attitudes? I need some more. I am DRAINED!!!!


This is definitely the place to be for this question. Racism fits/or could be used for any of those. Or combination.

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oops did see that it was an old thread... soz. :)

It is. I have actually changed my subject due to lack of willing guinea pigs to analyse in my initial chosen area...so, am now studying the 'significance of the cultural unconscious' as demonstrated in the choreography of the paso doble (its for my Dance/Movement Psychotherapy course...hence the paso doble).
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So, next part is....

If there are four main attitudes to the cultural unconscious (the religious, the philosphic, the aesthetic, and the social), what are some examples of each of those attitudes? I need some more. I am DRAINED!!!!


The first things that come in to my head:


Religious: Sacrifice (including ascetism), Totems, ancestor worship, mysticism, ritual. magic, supernatural


Philosophic: rationalism, Empiricism, existentialism


Aesthetic: post-modernism, romanticism, realism, expressionist, impressionist, surreal etc.


Social: Ethics, Politics

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The first things that come in to my head:


Religious: Sacrifice (including ascetism), Totems, ancestor worship, mysticism, ritual. magic, supernatural


Philosophic: rationalism, Empiricism, existentialism


Aesthetic: post-modernism, romanticism, realism, expressionist, impressionist, surreal etc.


Social: Ethics, Politics


Slightly off topic, but in my own writing, I've written links between these three bolds, religion, and OCD.


The balance of the second bolds influenced by the first bold, causing my link to OCD. In particular with regard to orthodox religious influence.

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Not sure about how to interpret that, I think that the person you are is formed from every expierience that you ever have. Everything is stored whether concsciously or not. Repressed memorys can cause anxiety and other physical reactions, but you don't know why the anxiety is there if that makes sense, it's like pavlovs dog, conditioned reaction although your not aware of it. So repression must be part of yourself. I think there are parts of true personality that are repressed, and this is the whole thing of dealing with and facing yourself and your concience. You are everything you ever have been. Repression is probably your brain keeping you sane. Unless your a sociopath or something and then things are wired differently. Hope that makes sense, it does to me kind of. :)


what do you class as true personality wotsits?

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Do you have to compare any views/theories already expressed by profs, or use entirely your own material? :shocked: If it's the latter, I'm glad you're writing it and not me :hihi:



This is definitely the place to be for this question. Racism fits/or could be used for any of those. Or combination.


Everything is my own material. It is a MINEFIELD!


Wildcat...you are on the right track!!! For part of it, I then have to analyse how the way the dancers move through space (with relationship to their timing, their flow, their attitude to weight etc etc) demonstrates that the choreographer's cultural unconscious coming in to play....and how the choreographed steps demonstrate that..eg how do certain steps demonstrate the various elements of the cultural attitudes Wildcat has written above.


This is why it is taking me so long!!!

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