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Come back bbc all is forgiven

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Good news BTW Interviewer - the licence fee may be going up as part of the spending review as the Government tries to offload the cost of it's demands on the BBC to the general public (including the World Service, BBC Monitoring and roll out of high speed broadband to rural areas).

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Just like every other over 75 in the country, regardless of being a figurehead of the nation or a lifelong dole scrounger.




Although, as you said yourself in another thread, the punishment is not decided by the BBC or TV Licencing, but by magistrates, and can be as low as £10 if that is what the law says is an appropriate punishment.




Misleading again Interviewer? TV Licensing will not prosecute everyone without a TV licence - they will write to you (:o) and maybe even send someone to your house to look for a TV (:o:o), but without evidence that you are evading the fee you will not be prosecuted.


Sadly that's not the case. They took me to court on the strength of me having a coax cable outside the house and having bought a TV a few weeks ago. That is not evidence as was explained to them at the time - but they still decided to prosecute as they were being terminally brain dead.

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I am in america and have only found fox news-horrifyingly biased reporting. Its disgusting!!!


Why does the reporter get to force his views on the entire country. Also in between the news you get constant adverts for healthcare from corporatearseholes.com


....and the food sucks


that is all


Check out Jon Stewarts show. It's on More4 too.


from another site:


When Americans were asked in a 2007 poll by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press to name the journalist they most admired, Mr. Stewart, the fake news anchor, came in at No. 4, tied with the real news anchors Brian Williams and Tom Brokaw of NBC, Dan Rather of CBS and Anderson Cooper of CNN.


And a study this year from the center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism concluded that “ ‘The Daily Show’ is clearly impacting American dialogue” and “getting people to think critically about the public square.”

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Good news BTW Interviewer - the licence fee may be going up as part of the spending review as the Government tries to offload the cost of it's demands on the BBC to the general public (including the World Service, BBC Monitoring and roll out of high speed broadband to rural areas).

er, it's frozen for 6 years isn't it?

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er, it's frozen for 6 years isn't it?


Sounds like it now, there was talk earlier in the day of a £20 increase, initially to cover the BBC taking over the cost of the free over 75 licences, but I hear that has also been dropped.

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BBC America is not free to the American User. They buy it in a package from whichever supplier they use. It is not a FTA program. PBS is a publicly funded organization that shows programs from a variety of UK channels not just BBC and most are very old.

American news is not news just political ranting and you really don't want adverts like theirs either. We aren't just talking time to make a cup of tea, you can make a full Sunday lunch.

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American news is not news just political ranting and you really don't want adverts like theirs either. We aren't just talking time to make a cup of tea, you can make a full Sunday lunch.


US political adverts are incredible, they just slander their opponents instead of saying what they will do. Here's a basic example:


"I'm Bob Wilson, Republican councillor for Texas. My Democrat opponent Ted Smith wants to increase the minimum wage by 10c an hour. It's estimated your taxes will increase by approximately 85% because of this.


Voting Ted Smith in will be a giant leap towards Communism.


Vote for me, Bob Wilson, for a fairer start for our working families"


Really, they're so bad, they're good :thumbsup:


x x

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The non payment of the resultant fine is essentially the same thing or are you now going to tell me they are entirely unrelated?


You insist on posting on matters that you obviously know very little about. Non-payment of a magistrates court fine is NOT essentially the same thing as the non-payment of the TV licence fee. Fines are a priority debt because the magistrates' court has the power to send you to prison for non-payment. The TV licence is a legal permission to watch TV - non-payment of which is entirely within the law. The BBC TV licence fee is not, and never has been, a priority debt.


When I mentioned that people have ended up in prison for non payment you said this was not possible. Silly me, thought I, it must have been an urban myth I heard all these years, I expect Interviewer knows what he's talking about since it's his life's mission.


I have always stated that it was the non-payment of a magistrate's fine, issued for not having a valid TV licence, that people might expect to be imprisoned for - not the non-payment of the BBC TV licence fee. When you have mentioned that people have ended up in prison (for non-payment of the BBC TV licence) I have always sought to correct you on this 'urban myth', amongst other things.


Now the facts are reorganised when propagandising to Cotton Top to imply more innocents ending up in prison because they did not get a licence. More lies? No I beg your pardon it's just distortion as used by a politician or barrister.


I have remained consistent in my approach to the BBC TV licence fee and its enforcement. Unlike you, whose many gaps and errors in your knowledge have led to new appraisals. When all else fails you resort to petty insults to hide the fact that you are out of your depth.

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I admit my gaps and errors because before you came along I never heard of the TVLA being a fascist organisation.


As for you it's just backtracking and reorganising the facts to suit your very elastic arguments. Now you're telling me someone can end up inside due to non payment of the Magistrates fine. The fine issued for non payment of a licence fee so they are connected in the eyes of plain speaking people. Yes they are seperated by the will of the magistrate which means you can claim no one can be imprisoned as a result of non payment of a TV licence. Yet their imprisonment is a direct result of not paying for a licence in the first place.


Again, when you have to play with language and meaning to this extent you have clearly lost. People either end up doing time for non payment of a licence or they don't. You can't have it both ways.

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For the benefit of cotton top I can also point out that the vast majority of the millions who have a TV happily pay the licence fee and don't spend their lives moaning and campaigning about it. .


I don't mind paying the licence fee (up to a point) but I think it would be interesting to see how many people would pay it if it wasn't compulsory....

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