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Labour still want to tax and spend the country into bankruptcy

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I doubt that Gordon and Darling will give us one, even though they ruined the country for 13 years. Still I can live in hope.


I take it you are refering to the way they managed to return us to a position of economic growth during the global economic crisis, maintaining unemployment and insulating the country from the kind of levels of unemployment and home repossessions that characterise the way Tories handle recessions?


If you think Labour ruined the country just wait until these politically motivated austerity measures kick in. As the saying goes....you ain't seen nothing yet.

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I believe the cuts are necessary and I don't think it can be denied that Labour lied about the amount of debt we are in


I can't find a reference to say Labour lied about the level of debt. Far from it being undeniable, the claim you have made would appear to require some substantiating evidence because I am sure of the Office for National Statistics or the Treasury had presented inaccurate accounts it would have been all over the papers.


Why may I ask are the cuts required when the level of debt as a proportion of GDP is lower than it has been for the entire period between something like 1910-1975? It was more than 3 times the level it is today when we were creating the NHS and creating a welfare state... I don't recall there being any clamouring or fear of the level of debt or repayments then nor in the subsequent Govt.s.


So far as I can see the fear of the debt comes from monetarist economists that brought the country to its knees under Thatcher resulting in her own party stabbing her in the back, and who's advice has brought about crisis after crisis. Excuse me if I am not convinced that their predictions and advice now are worth a jot when their record has been so poor.

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So if labour dont get there way, you want people to stamp there feet, shout and wave a banner........


I don't really care what Labour think, but when a politically motivated Govt attacks its own people then they have not just the freedom but a duty to protest, such is the way democratic accountability works in a liberal democracy.

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I don't really care what Labour think, but when a politically motivated Govt attacks its own people then they have not just the freedom but a duty to protest, such is the way democratic accountability works in a liberal democracy.


isn't that what labour spent 13 years doing?

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I don't really care what Labour think, but when a politically motivated democratically elected Govt attacks does what it was elected to do by its own people then they have not just the freedom but a duty to protest, such is the way democratic accountability works in a liberal politically motivated democracy.


my bold insertions

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Come on, +0.1% is hardly growth. Mind you I imagine that you'd be bobbing that -0.1% is a double dip.



I'm sure Smarmy Dave and Lapdog have a far more ambitious figure than that pencilled in for us. But remember - we're all in this together.:hihi:

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