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Labour still want to tax and spend the country into bankruptcy

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On the day that business leaders from some of the UK's biggest companies warned against watering down spending cuts, it seems Labour have learned nothing from the mess they helped to create, and still want to tax us more (as if they didn't tax us enough over 13 years) and continue to spend, spend, spend. How come they don't know what the rest of us know, it was partly public sector over spending that got us into the mess in the first place?


You sure you're on the right forum? This is Sheffield Forum not Buckinghamshire Forum.


I would trust Alan Johnson over Osbourne any day as would most in the nation I'm sure.

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He is wrong. The debt of the nation is absolutely nothing like a credit card (there are several economics sites mocking him for those statements if you google it, saying that if he believes it is anything like a credit card he is quite simply not fit to be chancellor as he does not understand even one of the most basic things about national debt.)


Hell, even from my A Level economics i know that.


Course he's wrong, he's only the Chancellor isn't he, how would he know what the nations interest payments are? :roll:

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Again, socialists?


Could you tell me where their policy of transferring means of production to the workers was please? Since that is socialism at it's most basic, and without it anything you represent cannot be socialism.

When you create hundreds of thousands of jobs in the public sector without knowing how you will pay for salaries and pensions for all these new jobs...........is that not socialism then?
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When you create hundreds of thousands of jobs in the public sector without knowing how you will pay for salaries and pensions for all these new jobs...........is that not socialism then?


One million extra public sector workers.

One million extra public sector salaries

One million extra public sector pensions

Massive increases in public sector wages.

Virtually no increase in government revenue to fund any of it.

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Not as interesting as the morons who label anyone with different views as a socialist :)



Without stooping to your completely unnecessary level of calling other posters morons simply because they label the Labour party as socialist, perhaps I might suggest that you do some reading before throwing playground insults, especially when your are so laughably in the wrong.


Labour has maintained the stance of being a socialist party ever since its inception, currently describing itself as a "democratic socialist party". For good reason perhaps, Labour doesn’t wave banners saying ‘we are commies’, but its not far off. The electoral manifestos have not contained the term socialism since 1992, when Clause 4 was abolished. The new version states:


"The Labour Party is a democratic socialist party. It believes that by the strength of our common endeavour we achieve more than we achieve alone, so as to create for each of us the means to realise our true potential and for all of us a community in which power, wealth and opportunity are in the hands of the many, not the few, where the rights we enjoy reflect the duties we owe, and where we live together, freely, in a spirit of solidarity, tolerance and respect."


With numerous cabinet (thankfully now ex- cabinet) members having been, and in some cases remaining life-long Marxists, what we have in the Labour party is a bunch of out of date socialists. They re-invented themselves and sold their soul to middle England under Blair to grasp power, but under the surface they have continued with tax and spend, bloasting the welfare state, mercilessly punishing the educated and professional classes while doting on the idle and worthless.


Socialism at its best.

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