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Watching SKY TV in another room..

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Does anyone know how I can watch Sky TV in another room without multiroom?


I have a TV upstairs but can't get a TV Signal as no ariel thing up there, so can only watch DVDs. I know I wouldn't be able to watch 2 diff channels in 2 diff rooms without multiroom but I don't want that- I just want to be able to watch it in bed when I am feeling tired.


how can I do it? Sure I have heard of something but can't remember what.




If you weren't bothered about watching the full SKY package you're paying for you could buy a second hand sky box off ebay for about £15 and have a new cable run to the dish (if your dish has a spare port), then you'll receive most of what's available on Freesat and no extra subscription for multi-room.

Better still buy a separate Freesat decoder. These options give you the ability to watch different channels in the two locations, for long term free.

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