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Cat bin woman fined

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There was a story on Radio 2 yesterday about an estate that wanted 10, I'll repeat that 10 Foxes killing because they were allegedly ripping up the lawn and pooing everywhere. A company was going to be paid to do this yet catwoman is fined for this. It's a seriously messed up world. I believe the rest of the neighbourhood has stepped in and saved the foxes for the time being.


I believe all animal cruelty should be punished. Not just the stuff caught on camera and sensationalised in the Meeja.

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come on it's only a cat. she didn't put a child in there or anything? or cause any actual damage tot he cat


and the owners cant actually prove it was in the for 16 hours, even though they have CCTV. it's all been blown up



That attitude is why we have people in the world willing to hurt animals.

"It's only a cat, lets put it in a bin for 15hours and cause it unnecessary upset"

No, she didn't put a child in the bin, but if we start allowing people to treat animals like that it won't be long until more people are treating children in that way.

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