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BNP to enter bankruptcy.

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Super Dowson will save the day.... by lying to the parties creditors






Seems Dowson had made a bit of a name for himself as an extreme anti abortionist:



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We are not racist we just oppose mass imigration!



And we certainly are not thugs!


Yes you are. Definately.


Yes Labour, Lib dems, and also Tories, all support and fund the UAF what attack our mebers and send us death threats, vandalise our cars and also throw eggs at us.


No need for other people to attack the BNP, they have a history of attempted fraticide


Name five.


The cook, the cleaner, the gofer,the pot washer, the shoeshine boy.


Oh, yes... and the fetcher of The Star from St George's Day. Have you found time to nip down and get a copy yet, Mr P?

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and thats why you lost my vote to the NF where ever possible.you have sold out.



This just shows us the BBCs real agenda!,, it's not politically correct to say so but hybrid embryos are lining their pockets because muslims are running the show,,, Wake up people! introduce zero tolerance,,, Why did nobody listen to Enoch Powell all those years ago?!?!




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I have decided I love marmite.




Is it possible to hate something and to love it simultaeously? This news is likely to wreck their advertising strategy:)

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Assuming that the above letter is genuine, then I am very surprised that they are allowed to do that. The normal situation is that, once you know you are in trouble, you really need to treat everyone the same, and not attempt to pay one supplier at the expense of another. Offering to pay a preferred supplier and saying that the others probably won't get anything, sounds very dodgy to me. On the bight side, when directors behave outside the law then they find themselves personally liable.

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Didn't Nick Griffin accept a couple of hundred dollars from that right-wing Arab-hating Rabbi?


Where'd that money go? On Griffin's food bill, no doubt. He has been piling on the pounds recently.


Can't Griffin just ask him for some money? I'm sure Griffin would love to write some more inflammatory anti-Islamic articles and get another nice pat on the head from his new friends :)


x x x

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