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BNP to enter bankruptcy.

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With austere times coming extremism could rise. It's fantastic news the bnp are collapsing since the extremist collective will be fractured and divided. Some will join the thugs in the EDL, some may split to the NF, many bnp followers were already disgruntled with that utter cretin Griffin.



On the other hand, the next organised far-right party might have someone who's not a cretin; who's actually adept at public speaking and can persuade people he's talking sense. That would not be good.

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If they do go down the pan, then so will half the threads on this Forum.


They've been sorely neglected on here of late Treatment, although if they and Muslim threads could be consigned to Room 101 the site owners might be seeking new revenue streams ;)

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On the other hand, the next organised far-right party might have someone who's not a cretin; who's actually adept at public speaking and can persuade people he's talking sense. That would not be good.


That's a big worry. Imagine of they had a charismatic leader (which seems to carry greater import than intellect and/or talking common sense) it could be disastrous.

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That's a big worry. Imagine of they had a charismatic leader (which seems to carry greater import than intellect and/or talking common sense) it could be disastrous.


Well, yes; I don't mean that their next leader might actually talk sense, because if he did there wouldn't be a problem. But if he's charismatic enough to make people believe he is talking sense ..... after all, the greatest public speaker this world has ever known was also one of the most evil men it's ever produced.

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I think you should all desist from ridiculing the BNP.


It might be classed as 'persecution'.


"In International law the conditions determining a person's right to asylum are detailed in The 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. A refugee is considered to be a person fearing or suffering persecution on the grounds of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion."


If they go bankrupt and they complain that you've been persecuting them, they might end up in free housing and living on welfare.:hihi::hihi:

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That's a big worry. Imagine of they had a charismatic leader (which seems to carry greater import than intellect and/or talking common sense) it could be disastrous.



I dunno if it was P G Wodehouse who said fascism will never take hold in Britain because we already distrust politicians and mock them, plus an "intelligent, charismatic racist" is a bit of an oxymoron, the phrase certainly contains an internal fallacy. By their very nature racists are as thick as Barry White's stool on Boxing Day.

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