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Ciro Pearls in Debenhams


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  • 1 month later...

Hi, Kim Harrison, became Kim Maw in Nov 1977 while still working for Ciro pearls as store Manageress at Schofields dept store. She later moved with Ciro to various stores in the town centre before ending up at Debenhams. She left Ciro in the mid 80's to concentrate on other ventures. Do you, or did you know Kim ?

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I knew Kim before she joined Ciro Pearls - we worked together and went out together for a short time.


I was chatting to an old friend from that period on Facebook not long ago and they asked if i knew what happened to her - it was just a question of curiosity thats all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Mark, this is Kim. I just want to say hello. when my hubby told me you had enquired about ciro pearls and had mentioned my name I was amazed. I hope all is well with you and your's, and your fit and well. I am preparing for christmas, yuk, we have our Grandaughter with us at the moment. She is a handfull, but we love her to bits. She is called Heidi and is 3 years old. I have so much to do and no time left to do it in, as usual. Well take care, have a nice christmas and all the best for 2011.


Kim, Mike

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Good to hear your keeping well - and I sympathise with the 'full on' granddaughter. Our granddaughter Maisie, is just two, but we only have to have her for a weekend and we are shattered by the time her mum picks her up.


The reason for mentioning Ciro Pearls was that I was chatting on line some time ago to some old Stannington mates (I left Sheffield in 1986) and we were doing the 'I wonder what happened to..... ' - and some names came up and you were one of them. I suddenly remembered that the last time I saw you was when I was in Debenhams with my daughter who was about two at the time so that must have made it about 1983/4. Sad thing is my memory is better for things 20 odd years ago than what I did last week.


Ce la vie


Take care - and have a great xmas and 2011


Mark & Debbie

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