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Are you a bully?

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why do people on here feel the need to pull people up for spelling mistakes,or punctuation mistakes.not everyone has the same ability i pearsonally struggle.I dont see why grown adults would need to pull people down,i think its very childish and bullying .:rant:


They only do it to point score usually because they have nowt better to say. It's basically boring and pointless. Should someone quit posting because their commas are in the wrong place? Obviously not.

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There are ... what, 20,000 users on this forum? If just thee and me are upset by it, it's an extremely trivial issue. :cool:


No, I'm upset by it as well! I don't deliberately look for errors when I read posts, they just leap out at me. Same goes for newspapers, books, etc. And I sometimes scream at the BBC newsreaders on TV for using bad grammar, Americanisms and so forth.


But the only time I pick up a poster on punctuation, spelling, etc is if (a) they're a friend or (b) it's a post pulling apart someone else's post for mis-spellings, etc.


And if anybody dare call me a bully, I'll thump 'em!!! :rant::hihi:

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Why is it bullying to correct something which is obviously wrong or to impart knowledge which is obviously absent?


Were my teachers bullying me when they taught me? Was my Mum bullying me when she sat me on her knee and I read "Janet & John" along with her? I very much doubt it. Every man, woman and child experiences the learning process for as long as they are alive ... Some of us are just further along it than others. ;)

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Because this is a forum for debate, not a schoolroom for teaching people.


So should that debate not be clear and concise?


When somone doesn't ennunciate properly, drawls in incomprehensible slang or uses irritating verbal tics I find it hard to follow and switch off. I find a poorly written or difficult to read statement equally hard to follow and so switch off.

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did anyone ever pull joep for his " teh " ?
All the time! :D But 'teh' is more internet geek speak for the purposes of emphasis, than a genuine spelling error.


The OP has nine spelling and punctuation errors in a four line comment. #2 has seven in three lines. These two people are obviously not stupid. So either something is going badly wrong with the teaching of English or dyslexia is a far greater problem than any of us have ever imagined.


*wonders whether the SF curse has struck her for this? :D

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why do people on here feel the need to pull people up for spelling mistakes,or punctuation mistakes.not everyone has the same ability i pearsonally struggle.I dont see why grown adults would need to pull people down,i think its very childish and bullying .:rant:


I quite agree, not only do they pick up on spelling,punctuation ect. But if you dont agree with their comment on any thread, then it usually ends up in an argument. Take proving the exsistance of God thread, for instance.

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