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Are you a bully?

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why do people on here feel the need to pull people up for spelling mistakes,or punctuation mistakes.not everyone has the same ability i pearsonally struggle.I dont see why grown adults would need to pull people down,i think its very childish and bullying .:rant:


On here it is mostly used as an attack, it is almost the equivalent of jabbing someone in the back of the head as they are walking away from you after you have had an argument with them and have either lost or become frustrated, notice however that it is still an attack from behind :hihi:

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There are ... what, 20,000 users on this forum? If just thee and me are upset by it, it's an extremely trivial issue. :cool:


And me! But I don't correct bad grammar and spelling - half because it's mean and condescending and half because we all make the odd mistake. Being the grammar police leaves you open for similar abuse if you slip up! However unlikely that may be ;)

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I'm not a bully but I have had an experience on here that is exactly what you mean.

I joined in on a conversation then someone pulled me up on my wording, this immediately resulted in the gist of what I was saying being lost and an arguament about symantics ensued.

Why don't these people grow up!

They even went so far as to snobbish by dismissing me as a newbie as I haven't posted much but I have been a member on here for years.


Check out my previous posts to see who it is.

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Hardly, I just have little time for those who can't be bothered to ensure that their post is at least readable ...... If they can't be bothered to write properly then why should I waste my time deciphering it?


so you saying you have little time for people with learning difficulties people who dont even reaslise they have made mistakes? Wow so you are a bully then GROW UP

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so you saying you have little time for people with learning difficulties people who dont even reaslise they have made mistakes? Wow so you are a bully then GROW UP
If people care about other people's opinions, as you obviously do, they could always use the spelling and grammar checkers. As someone said above, even dyslexics can use them and produce nearly perfect posts.


I'm always grateful for being put right. I found out due to this forum that I'd been spelling a reasonably common word wrong most of my life. I was :blush: at first, but at least I know now!


Your posts are understandable, and you're using some punctuation but some people can ramble on for twenty lines or more and never use even a comma or a full stop. How is anyone supposed to make any sense of that sort of post?


I know that some people can be very sarcastic and it must be awful to be on the receiving end, but we can all learn from criticism kindly meant. IMO.

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so you saying you have little time for people with learning difficulties people who dont even reaslise they have made mistakes? Wow so you are a bully then GROW UP


As I think has been pointed out earlier in this thread, spell checkers exist for those who have recognised learning difficulties. So, I suspect Riley Jay, that you may well have to retract your statement ... I'll expect your apology shortly.


Seeing as the tools exist for folk to express themselves in a way that is clear to the rest of us then I fail to see how I am a bully and am displaying immaturity.

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... I'm always grateful for being put right. I found out due to this forum that I'd been spelling a reasonably common word wrong most of my life. I was :blush: at first, but at least I know now! ...


... I know that some people can be very sarcastic and it must be awful to be on the receiving end, but we can all learn from criticism kindly meant. IMO.


I think maybe the :blush: you are looking for is 'embarrassed'.

(Double checked the spelling, just in case) :D

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