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Scrapping the Armed Forces

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But Germany was not; and the only reason for the arms race was to stay ahead of Germany.


Hmmm, we're talking about buts and maybes but at the time Germany was actively clambering for an over seas empire and also were in a Naval arms race with the British Empire. It's hard to see how this could be perceived not to be a threat to the British Empire.

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Admirals urge rethink on Harrier and Ark Royal cuts


"In respect of the newly valuable Falklands and their oilfields, because of these and other cuts, for the next 10 years at least, Argentina is practically invited to attempt to inflict on us a national humiliation on the scale of the loss of Singapore.


"One from which British prestige, let alone the administration in power at the time, might never recover."


The admirals concluded: "We believe that these decisions should be rescinded in the over-riding national interest, before it is too late."




My previous hypothetical posts seem to be almost correct...

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The chances of Argentina threatening the Falklands are as close to zero as make no odds.


This is to be expected from the heads of the various services as they see their power slip away. After all, what's the point in being an Admiral if you have nothing to lord over?

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The chances of Argentina threatening the Falklands are as close to zero as make no odds.


This is to be expected from the heads of the various services as they see their power slip away. After all, what's the point in being an Admiral if you have nothing to lord over?


They just need a new hobby:






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We've got a lot to thank Blair and Brown for ... and the people who kept re-electing them :(



You got that right. That grabbing sod Blair took the UK into an illegal war based totally on lies and was well paid for his trouble and spilt blood by Bush's pals.

He's getting paid millions while everyone else suffers.


Vote labour then book yourself into a mental health institution - you need your daft head looking at.

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