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I am SUCH a loser!

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my son did it once, we was in bridlington, walking along with our ice creams, my son who never shuts up was talking away then.... bam!

face straight into the lampost.. he looked at what ice cream he had left in his hand, then the ground at the splattered mess he didnt then burst out crying.... my nose!

me and hubby was histerical, couldnt breath we was laughing that hard :hihi::hihi:

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When my daughter was 3 she decided to run away from me in the street and as I chased after her she looked back at me then ran full speed into a lamp post! She said it reeeeaaaaaaaaalllllllyyyy hurt!! I was half 'oh poor baby' and half 'that'll teach you to run away from me!'


The shopping basket/ umbrella stories cracked me up. The best I have of that kind of thing would be driving off with bag/ purse/ other random items still on top of the car. I have done it SO many times!

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The shopping basket/ umbrella stories cracked me up. The best I have of that kind of thing would be driving off with bag/ purse/ other random items still on top of the car. I have done it SO many times!


haha you should only do it once then learn never to do it again!

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My mum worked at Hallamshire hospital and you wouldn't believe the amount of men and women that had come to casualty that had fallen on to things like bars of soap and deodorant cans whilst they were bathing.


:hihi::hihi: That reminds me of a programme I watched about A and E where one of the nurses was talking about all the objects people had 'accidentally' got stuck in orrifices - one was a small bust of Queen Victoria that a lady claimed she 'fell on' when dusting the curtains. Eeuw!!!

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