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Norfolk Park Flats


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And weren't they the newer ones? Last up - first down?


I can't remember which order they were built in.


I seem to think the three which were on Claywood, and the one on Hanover were the very last of that style to be completed in Sheffield. I believe there were subtle differences in that the ones on Claywood had built-in wardrobes in the main bedrooms. My Aunt and uncles' ones on Norfolk Park didn't have built-in Wardrobes, nor did mine on Beldon Road.(The brown block)

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  • 5 months later...

Beeches Drive was blue.


Mickley was brown


Cliffe and talbot were sludge brown and mustard


East bank and spring were a pinky orange and a pale blue.


None of them were green




i think i would know i lived in it!!

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also I remember that park grange was green the block with the bridge just down from the horse and lion lived on there a bit 4th floor with my sis and her boyfreind {pinny} andrew L?????y


would also say the block on the left looked a mint green also

Norfolk Park Flats


I must have lived in every block as a kid and teen at one point you could walk in to the housing fill out a fast form and be offerd a 1 or 2 bed within days ....

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also I remember that park grange was green the block with the bridge just down from the horse and lion lived on there a bit 4th floor with my sis and her boyfreind {pinny} andrew L?????y


would also say the block on the left looked a mint green also

Norfolk Park Flats


I must have lived in every block as a kid and teen at one point you could walk in to the housing fill out a fast form and be offerd a 1 or 2 bed within days ....


The ones in that picture are Claywood, not Norfolk Park.

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The ones in that picture are Claywood, not Norfolk Park.


you seem to take great pride in correcting people and trying to prove them wrong .


{not good actions for a mod to try to cause conflict or cause arguments}


your suposed to settle desputes ect not cause them

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I lived in Talbot (brown) in 1995


I remember it always seemed windy up there! Especially on the bridge over the road.


I also went in the Horse and Lion a couple of times.


I used to try and shop in town before getting the bus or it would mean getting off the bus, shopping at the local co-op and lugging the bags up one heck of a steep hill! (it seemed steep to me anyway!)


I used to pop to the newsagents on a Sunday, think it was shaped like a 50p piece?


I only lived there for about 6 months, the first night I was there someone set the lift on fire! But apart from that despite living on my own it was ok.

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