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Collecting a Child

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It just shows that his main concern is controlling what happens, rather than seeing his child - what a (fill in appropriate word).


I wouldn't be inclined to rely on what his parents have told your mum - it would be very easy for him to turn round in the future and say it wasn't true, and that you've decided to deny him access.


I'd write him a letter - or get your solicitor to - setting out the new arrangements he's requested and asking for confirmation that they are correct. That way, you've covered yourself for his next little tantrum.


You took the words out of my mouth, Dozy.


His son is not his child, he's a pawn in some galactic game of chess. (and ISN'T he just the prize ____?)

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Already in the post box, Dozy x


Ah! Well done!


I really admire you for your patience in dealing with your ex - you're putting your child first, something that he is so obviously incapable of doing. Let's hope you get some peace and quiet now.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, not much more to say, other than, I have had a few calls over last few days...again, being told how he feels about me, and that he is desperately in love with me still. So, he decided to tell his girlfriend that he wants to try to win back my heart, and marry me......right before she told him she is pregnant! He then wants me to make the decision to either 'go back', and thus encourage her to terminate pregnancy, or he will have to stay and marry her. She is fully aware of this conversation. Could hear her in the background. I just can not believe she would want to marry someone/have a baby with someone who sits and cries to me, in front of her, on the telephone about how much he loves me. What the HELL is wrong with people?


You may be pleased to know that I have not made a decision about this unborn baby's life, even though it looks like it will mean he will hardly see the child he has who already exists.


What a total mess. I tell you. If you don't make your own decisions, people make them for you. He is now about to enter a marriage with a woman who he does not love, but who will let him treat her as he wants. She just wanted to latch on to someone and have a child with someone who has money. BRAVO!


Words fail.

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Who the hell knows what he will do when he returns our son. No idea where he will go. I won't even be in that day, so... he will have to drop him with my mum...although, his solicitors letter today says that he refuses to do that. Place your bets? I'll let you know a week on Saturday!


I seriously dont know how you stay sane i would be out of my mind with worry for the little 1.

Ive been in your sort of situation Babooshka and seriously you need to take control because this will only harm your son in the long run.

I was in an abusive relationshipwith a total control freak who thought i would do what he wanted, and truthfully for a while i did because he got me down so much until I balls up to him and let me tell one thing a control freak doesnt like is someone telling them NO!

I had all the threats of court and that i wouldnt have a leg to stand on (i refused for him to see our child on grounds of his unreasonable behaviour having a detrimental effect MY little one who was only 18months). he took me to court and they saw through what he was he was told that the only contact he could have was to send letters via my mums which he didnt want to do. to this day he doesnt even know where i live nor does he bother having communication with his child.

It seems your ex like mine was only interested in getting to you rather than spending quality time with his child something some MEN would give their life for!

please stop him doing what hes doing for your sons sake

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Well, not much more to say, other than, I have had a few calls over last few days...again, being told how he feels about me, and that he is desperately in love with me still. So, he decided to tell his girlfriend that he wants to try to win back my heart, and marry me......right before she told him she is pregnant! He then wants me to make the decision to either 'go back', and thus encourage her to terminate pregnancy, or he will have to stay and marry her. She is fully aware of this conversation. Could hear her in the background. I just can not believe she would want to marry someone/have a baby with someone who sits and cries to me, in front of her, on the telephone about how much he loves me. What the HELL is wrong with people?


You may be pleased to know that I have not made a decision about this unborn baby's life, even though it looks like it will mean he will hardly see the child he has who already exists.


What a total mess. I tell you. If you don't make your own decisions, people make them for you. He is now about to enter a marriage with a woman who he does not love, but who will let him treat her as he wants. She just wanted to latch on to someone and have a child with someone who has money. BRAVO!


Words fail.

Well, it was obvious all along that he was still obsessed with you (I personally would not describe it as 'love' when it manifests in his appalling behaviour). So now he's emotionally blackmailing you, nice. He really is a catch isnt he? And why oh why is this woman whom he's now with willing to be his consolation prize? Has she no pride? Does he know for a fact that she is pregnant or is this some stunt she's pulling to prevent him from leaving? It seems very timely that she announces this just after he's confessed his true feelings for you. :suspect:


I feel for you and hope that you manage to have minimal contact with this freak. Tell him to a get a vasectomy and preferably enter a monastery, he should come with a public health warning.

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Well, it was obvious all along that he was still obsessed with you (I personally would not describe it as 'love' when it manifests in his appalling behaviour). So now he's emotionally blackmailing you, nice. He really is a catch isnt he? And why oh why is this woman whom he's now with willing to be his consolation prize? Has she no pride? Does he know for a fact that she is pregnant or is this some stunt she's pulling to prevent him from leaving? It seems very timely that she announces this just after he's confessed his true feelings for you. :suspect:


I feel for you and hope that you manage to have minimal contact with this freak. Tell him to a get a vasectomy and preferably enter a monastery, he should come with a public health warning.


I reckon he wants six feet of earth. Seven just to be on the safe side! ;)

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