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Collecting a Child

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My mother offers to act as go-between because she knows the effect this is all having on me. My ex, however, now does not see eye to eye with her for obvious reasons. This is why he does not want to collect our son from there....even though the last time he did, he sent in his girlfriend so that he would not have to face my mother....who is the least threatening, least intimidating person on the planet.

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To be fair, he did know my password, as he set it up last year


Not really hacking then, is it :confused:


I note you say you "Had the police round".


Did they arrest/charge him, with computer hacking :confused:


if he turns up call the police and say he's harassing you.


I wouldn't recommend claiming harassment, unless it really is harassment.


The police/courts don't take kindly to false reports, and he could easily argue you made it, to bolster your claim for residency, and that wouldn't help you case.

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Well if it is your house then it's YOUR house. Your property (whether rented or owned) therefore YOU decide who can and cannot come to your property. I'm sure your solicitor would make it clear to him. Therefore stick with the arrangement as planned, if he turns up. Call the police and don't answer the door. Then when they come to question him, tell the police officer that your son is at your mothers and he can collect him from there (as per the arrangement for the last 2 years).

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Not really hacking then, is it :confused:


I note you say you "Had the police round".


Did they arrest/charge him, with computer hacking :confused:




I wouldn't recommend claiming harassment, unless it really is harassment.


The police/courts don't take kindly to false reports, and he could easily argue you made it, to bolster your claim for residency, and that wouldn't help you case.



If someone comes to your house when you have asked them not to and causes you alarm or distress that certainly is harrassment.

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If this man continues to be a nuisance, can you not instruct your solicitor to threaten the man with an injunction. Obviously, the solicitor cannot impose an injuction, but could set the wheels in motion for potential court action.


I'd suggest trying to resolve it without going that far, but if it can't be resolved, that's certainly a final option; and it does rather sound as though reasonable negotiation is not going to work here.

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Not really hacking then, is it :confused:

Unauthorised access is the same thing as guessing the password or using some sort of exploit to gain access as far as the law is concerned.


I note you say you "Had the police round".


Did they arrest/charge him, with computer hacking :confused:

There's no such offence, it would be unauthorised access to a computer system, or words to that affect.



I wouldn't recommend claiming harassment, unless it really is harassment.


The police/courts don't take kindly to false reports, and he could easily argue you made it, to bolster your claim for residency, and that wouldn't help you case.



If he turns up at your house, to collect your son, when neither of you are there, it's only his own time that he's going to waste.

You've told him where his son will be, and that he's welcome to collect him from that location, just leave it with him.

AFAIK the law says nothing about where any collection should take place, and if you have full custody at the moment you don't have to allow him access at all (although doing so is the morally correct thing).

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