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Collecting a Child

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Unauthorised access is the same thing as guessing the password or using some sort of exploit to gain access as far as the law is concerned.


He didn't guess it. He knew it, and I think you would have a job establishing that he used any kind of "exploit" to gain access.


There is a lesson here, which is to keep your password secret, and change it if you suspect someone else has it.


There's no such offence, it would be unauthorised access to a computer system, or words to that affect.


I'm aware there's no such offence as "hacking". I used the term for convenience.


if you have full custody at the moment you don't have to allow him access at all (although doing so is the morally correct thing).


It's possible to have full residency (they don't use the term "custody" any more), and still be required to allow access to the other parent.


Courts don't like to completely prevent access, unless it's unavoidable.

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He didn't guess it. He knew it, and I think you would have a job establishing that he used any kind of "exploit" to gain access.



You don't have to. If you have told someone not to access your computer and they do so regardless, that is unauthorised access. Even if you have no password at all, it's still an offence.

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Yeah, technically, I'm not sure you would call it hacking; which has connotations of circumventing security systems. This is more like unauthorised access.


As pointed out above, it's "unauthorised access" which is the offence; hacking is not a legal term. In terms of computerspeak, this is not hacking; in terms of abuse of trust, it's still a major breach.

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Is it too late to try for some kind of mediation via Cafcass, where he can agree to collect from another designated place? I have a friend who never has any contact with her ex, the dropping off and collection is always done via a third party (often me). It's not an ideal situation or experience for the kid/s.


Is this the very same guy who wanted to come and stay with you (after having made a pass at you) whereupon his girlfriend contacted you? What's his problem? It sounds as if he's not moved on, is still hankering after you and is now punishing you. He needs to grow up and think about his son in all of this.:rant:

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