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Collecting a Child

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Why on earth are you communicating through solicitors? Have you lost all your otherwise fine senses Babooshka? If he wants to then let him but his solicitor should be instructed to send any communications to you personally.


If he has been told to stop attending the house inform him that you will call the police about a breach of the peace next time. In the meantime change your locks, its really cheap, about 20% the cost of a solicitor per hour.


As for harassment, stop thinking up new ways for you to spend your money with legal firms. It just prolongs the bad feeling. If either of you has legal aid then stop thinking up new ways to spend MY money on your problems.


Get a hold back on your sanity and stop it.

Stop it

Stop it!

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Tony, to put your mind at rest, neither of us receives legal aid. I only went to mine once to find out my rights, and get a letter sent off to him detailing the new collection arrangements. HIS solicitor's first letter came directly to me. My solicitor told me to deal directly with his solicitor. She told me it would be a waste of my money to use her to send letters on my behalf, and that I was perfectly capable of dealing with this myself. So, that is what I do. I just send her a copy for her records.


HE, however, uses HIS solicitor to send communications, which now, for some reason about which I know nothing, go to MY solicitor. He can spend his money how he likes for all I care. He wanted this in place so that we do not have to communicate directly (perfectly fine by me!), yet he still bombards me with texts threatening Court Orders, and threatening to 'report me' to his solicitor if I do not respond to his texts by such-and-such a time that day.


He refuses to be told what to do, and, it would seem, is not going to pay the slightest bit of attention to my solicitor's letter. I am just about holding on to my sanity. For him, however, it appears to be a different story!


PS...I left HIS house (our family home) down south when I moved home to Sheffield. The house I bought here is all MINE!

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Why on earth are you communicating through solicitors? Have you lost all your otherwise fine senses Babooshka? If he wants to then let him but his solicitor should be instructed to send any communications to you personally.


If he has been told to stop attending the house inform him that you will call the police about a breach of the peace next time. In the meantime change your locks, its really cheap, about 20% the cost of a solicitor per hour.


As for harassment, stop thinking up new ways for you to spend your money with legal firms. It just prolongs the bad feeling. If either of you has legal aid then stop thinking up new ways to spend MY money on your problems.


Get a hold back on your sanity and stop it.

Stop it

Stop it!


Harrassment is a criminal offence dealt with by the police not solicitors. Babooshka has every right to ring the police if he carries on turning up at her house and demanding access to it when she has asked him not to.

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Harrassment is a criminal offence dealt with by the police not solicitors. Babooshka has every right to ring the police if he carries on turning up at her house and demanding access to it when she has asked him not to.


Tony, to put your mind at rest, neither of us receives legal aid. I only went to mine once to find out my rights, and get a letter sent off to him detailing the new collection arrangements. HIS solicitor's first letter came directly to me. My solicitor told me to deal directly with his solicitor. She told me it would be a waste of my money to use her to send letters on my behalf, and that I was perfectly capable of dealing with this myself. So, that is what I do. I just send her a copy for her records.


HE, however, uses HIS solicitor to send communications, which now, for some reason about which I know nothing, go to MY solicitor. He can spend his money how he likes for all I care. He wanted this in place so that we do not have to communicate directly (perfectly fine by me!), yet he still bombards me with texts threatening Court Orders, and threatening to 'report me' to his solicitor if I do not respond to his texts by such-and-such a time that day.


He refuses to be told what to do, and, it would seem, is not going to pay the slightest bit of attention to my solicitor's letter. I am just about holding on to my sanity. For him, however, it appears to be a different story!


PS...I left HIS house (our family home) down south when I moved home to Sheffield. The house I bought here is all MINE!


I agree, Kthebean. Babooshka, this really does sound like harassment to me, what are these texts that he bombards you with? Report you for what, you've done nothing wrong based on what you've told us? He sounds like a very angry man and needs to move on. God knows what his girlfriend must make of it all, she can't be happy being with someone who's so obviously still hankering after you.


I really feel for you.

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Who me....for trusting him in my home....just so he could take his little boy to school.


Of course not!


I highlighted the bit about him openly admitting what he'd done - that, in my book, makes him a plonker, as you'd probably be hard pushed to prove what he'd done.

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Tony, to put your mind at rest, neither of us receives legal aid. I only went to mine once to find out my rights, and get a letter sent off to him detailing the new collection arrangements. HIS solicitor's first letter came directly to me. My solicitor told me to deal directly with his solicitor. She told me it would be a waste of my money to use her to send letters on my behalf, and that I was perfectly capable of dealing with this myself. So, that is what I do. I just send her a copy for her records.


HE, however, uses HIS solicitor to send communications, which now, for some reason about which I know nothing, go to MY solicitor. He can spend his money how he likes for all I care. He wanted this in place so that we do not have to communicate directly (perfectly fine by me!), yet he still bombards me with texts threatening Court Orders, and threatening to 'report me' to his solicitor if I do not respond to his texts by such-and-such a time that day.


He refuses to be told what to do, and, it would seem, is not going to pay the slightest bit of attention to my solicitor's letter. I am just about holding on to my sanity. For him, however, it appears to be a different story!


PS...I left HIS house (our family home) down south when I moved home to Sheffield. The house I bought here is all MINE!

My bold


Dear gods, he sounds just like a little kid in the playground, threatening to tell teacher if you don't do what he wants. :loopy:


I wonder what he thinks his solicitor could do if he does report you???


Do you actually bother to respond to his texts? If you do, you're just making him believe that he has the right to contact you whenever he feels like it.


Since he's said he's using a solicitor because he doesn't want any direct communication with you, I think you'd be quite within your rights to tell him that you're going to ignore his texts in future and he should get his solicitor to write to you.


You're in a difficult situation, having to deal with such a moron, but at least you can console yourself that you no longer have to live with him.

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I know what you meant, Dozy...but I see MYSELF as the plonker who let him in to my house.


And yes, he wanted to report me for refusing him permission to collect his son from MY house, if I did not grant him permission by 4pm. His texts are just about Court Orders etc and how if he gets one they will INSIST he collect his son from MY house etc. That sort of thing.


I got his solicitor's letter today, and have fired off my response already. (A VERY interesting read!) The only things I respond to are arrangements...in brief! I ignore the rest. Irrelevant. I have made it clear I will communicate with his solicitor. Those letters are watered down versions of the legal tripe he throws at me.


It's a story and half to say the least! As for his girlfriend, well, she has decided to stay in this relationship, so, it must be doing something for her. Who knows. None so queer as folk.

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I know what you meant, Dozy...but I see MYSELF as the plonker who let him in to my house.


And yes, he wanted to report me for refusing him permission to collect his son from MY house, if I did not grant him permission by 4pm. His texts are just about Court Orders etc and how if he gets one they will INSIST he collect his son from MY house etc. That sort of thing.


I got his solicitor's letter today, and have fired off my response already. (A VERY interesting read!) The only things I respond to are arrangements...in brief! I ignore the rest. Irrelevant. I have made it clear I will communicate with his solicitor. Those letters are watered down versions of the legal tripe he throws at me.


It's a story and half to say the least! As for his girlfriend, well, she has decided to stay in this relationship, so, it must be doing something for her. Who knows. None so queer as folk.


What is this 'legal tripe' though? It doesn't sound as if he has a leg to stand on. You're not denying him access to your son, from what you say, the issue is about arrangements for collection and drop off and what you have proposed is an eminently reasonable compromise. He sounds like a total tosser, I'm sorry, I know that that doesn't help. I bet that your son is more mature than he is.

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Legal tripe about his 'right's.....which when the solicitors letters turn up prove to be 'requests' rather than rights. He is always throwing his weight around. It's all about control. He thinks he can now get a Court Order to impose his right to collect his son from my house.

And, you are correct, I have only ever encouraged him to see his son.

Anyway, won't bore you with this thread any longer...well, until the next installment. Actually, it does help me. As a single mum I sometimes find it difficult to get time to see people to talk. In fact, I don't really talk to people about this at all, so it is quite nice that I can get it off my chest on the good ole Sheffield Forum.


Thanks guys xxxx

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