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So who are the biggest losers from today’s spending announcement

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I'll bring the beer... :partyhat:


Plus a little Champagne for some of the 'socialists' :hihi:

Desperados, please :)


Don't forget caviar (in France, the left is called the "Gauche caviar" ("caviar Labour")).

champagne is so proletarian these days :twisted:

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Viewing this thread it looks like all the Socialists are at work and all the Capitalists have nothing better to do with themselves.


No They just work from home and can tear themselves away for 5 minutes without anyone shouting at them!

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Nah,the socialists are still in bed :)


Socialism is fine, until you run out of other people's money. Oh hang on, Gordon did, didn't he...


Back O/T though. The biggest losers from the cuts will be the underclass.


They'll lose sleep as they might actually have to get up in the morning. :D

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