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So who are the biggest losers from today’s spending announcement

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It did happen, to an extent. The rich and not-so-rich-but-careful now have less tax havens than ever before.







(among many others)


That was no empty rethoric or political grandstanding, btw. The EU has come down on the locals (Andorra, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Luxembourg, etc.) like a ton of bricks, as did the US on the Carribean ones.


Quoted from above article;

'Tax havens have commited to - but not yet fully implemented the standard'

Says it all really...


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Quoted from above article;

'Tax havens have commited to - but not yet fully implemented the standard'

Says it all really...


These articles were from 2009.


Can I encourage to do your own homework and check for yourself that the 'standard', as it's called, has by now been duly applied in many (most) of the tax havens concerned.


It's easy to 'prompt' relevant countries to comply, when they are the size of a postage stamp, their respective economies are 100% dependent on importing everything -including tourists- and they can be made jurisdiction-non-grata (...or associated with terrorist endeavours and 'graded' accordingly, guess which) at the stroke of a legislative pen by their very very large neighbours ;)


I believe only Luxembourg is still 'resisting'. Bit of an issue for them, you see, since banking secrecy there is constitutional - and has been for some centuries. Good for them, says I :P

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Do you not want people with money to be here?


I do not want the vast majority of the population worse off, half a million more people losing their jobs, and the economy sinking into a double dip recession so that some greedy tax evading millionaires can continue to avoid paying their way like everyone else.


I thought we were 'all in this together...'

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I do not want the vast majority of the population worse off, half a million more people losing their jobs, and the economy sinking into a double dip recession so that some greedy tax evading millionaires can continue to avoid paying their way like everyone else.


I thought we were 'all in this together...'

This all sounds too much like Politics of Envy to me.
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