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So who are the biggest losers from today’s spending announcement

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Very true Ron. I hope that the coalition do indeed make the benefits system difficult to defraud. I also hope that they put an equal amount of effort into closing the tax loopholes that are (legally) exploited by those at the other end of the social scale.


It depends on what you mean - which specific tax avoidance do you want to close? It galls me when I hear of people dodging taxes unfairly. I pay mine (lots and lots of it I pay) - no more, no less than is required. However, in business there are grey areas and no-one wants to pay more than they have to, especially when they pay more than their fair share already.

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Blimey:D ......
Why the surprise? fiddling is the same whether it's a quid or a grand!and the expression "fiddling" seems to aptly describe that moral grey area between avoidance and evasion where some people at the bottom of the scale "evade" paying an extra quid in tax,and some people at the top end avoid paying an "extra" grand in tax. One is illegal the other legal.When confronted in the bible on this subject,Jesus Christ(a Jew,who should know about all things financial) said "render unto Caesar the things that are Caesars"so there you have it!sorted..................not?
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JFHC. I am not a socialist. I have been to university and have done the things people are supposed to do to get on in life, but unfortunately for me, I am nowhere near the top of the tree. Why is that?


There's a saying that, "Life is what you make it." Well, it's a crock and an overworked cliche that people use without thinking about what it actually means. The fact is, "Life is what OTHER PEOPLE let you make it."


I'm not sure if you are asking for sympathy here but you come across like a true socialist who blames everyone else for their woes or lack of effort and expects everyone else to pay for your failings as if we all owe you a living.


You didn't succeed because you didn't try hard enough, some of us did and we didn't need a leg up. Maybe your choice of degree had something to do with it, after all you can take a degree these days in the Beatles pop group or even chocolate buttons. I wonder if you took a degree of such nature designed under the last Marxist regime to elevate the thick of society into the well educated scientific community in what they termed "social mobility" as if you are one of them, then your degree is a worthless piece of paper and of no use whatsoever to a future employer.


You could however, branch out on your own and try starting your own business, you don't need a degree for that, just a little bit of effort.

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I'm not sure if you are asking for sympathy here but you come across like a true socialist who blames everyone else for their woes or lack of effort and expects everyone else to pay for your failings as if we all owe you a living.


You didn't succeed because you didn't try hard enough, some of us did and we didn't need a leg up. Maybe your choice of degree had something to do with it, after all you can take a degree these days in the Beatles pop group or even chocolate buttons. I wonder if you took a degree of such nature designed under the last Marxist regime to elevate the thick of society into the well educated scientific community in what they termed "social mobility" as if you are one of them, then your degree is a worthless piece of paper and of no use whatsoever to a future employer.


You could however, branch out on your own and try starting your own business, you don't need a degree for that, just a little bit of effort.


you have not listened to a single word, failing to grasp simple explantions and are making wild assumptions with no convincing argument what-so-ever. How old are you BTW?


Oh and you require funding to start a business and the banks are not lending money; remember the guy who bricked up the bank door?

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If the super rich were made to cough up what they owe, we could afford this for everyone.


Why exactly are the super rich, the super rich? could it possibly be through hard work and long hours? The one's born with silver spoons in their mouths are very few and far between. Should Labours business tsar, now Lord Sugar pay his enormous wealth to every needy case that can't be bothered to do a decent days work? You obviously have no idea how many multi millionairs fill the front bench of the Labour party and maybe you might do well to tackle your own back yard first before you comment on others.

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you have not listened to a single word, failing to grasp simple explantions and are making wild assumptions with no convincing argument what-so-ever. How old are you BTW?


Oh and you require funding to start a business and the banks are not lending money; remember the guy who bricked up the bank door?


I think I have well and truly grasped your situation and my arguments will only ever not convince you as an individual. Lord sugar started his business with £100 working out of his bedroom from his parents house, he didn't have the technology of the Internet we have today so why can't you (being so educated which he wasn't) succeed as well? You lack effort.


My age has no bearing on any subject. I've met many 18yr olds in my time who are more mature and savvy than some 50yr olds I know. You can't judge people by their age but only by their actions and deeds. Age does not bring superior qualifications in anything.

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Why exactly are the super rich, the super rich? could it possibly be through hard work and long hours? The one's born with silver spoons in their mouths are very few and far between. Should Labours business tsar, now Lord Sugar pay his enormous wealth to every needy case that can't be bothered to do a decent days work? You obviously have no idea how many multi millionairs fill the front bench of the Labour party and maybe you might do well to tackle your own back yard first before you comment on others.


I have no affiliation to any party. They are both as bad as each other, and Tony Blair's ill gotten millions disgust me.


As for silver spoons being few and far between, many of them have finished up in the cabinet. So even by your argument, the government is hardly representative of the people.


Nor is it particularly democratic. There are a few 'shopfloor' MP's even in the Tory government, but they hardly get a look in at cabinet level, it's all the old boy network.

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