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So who are the biggest losers from today’s spending announcement

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Why exactly are the super rich, the super rich? could it possibly be through hard work and long hours?


It is certainly possible, but then anything is possible. Is it probable is perhaps a better question. The answer to which from all the evidence we have says, no.


The one's born with silver spoons in their mouths are very few and far between.


That is true but the point is their lack in numbers is made up for by the proportion of the countries wealth that they own.


Should Labours business tsar, now Lord Sugar pay his enormous wealth to every needy case that can't be bothered to do a decent days work?


He could only pay his wealth to one person... he would run out after that. I also don't know why you ask... Who has suggested this of him?


You obviously have no idea how many multi millionairs fill the front bench of the Labour party and maybe you might do well to tackle your own back yard first before you comment on others.


What makes you think Anna B's backyard is full of multi-millionaire Labour party front benchers? If it was do you not think it would be on the news somewhere?

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It is certainly possible, but then anything is possible. Is it probable is perhaps a better question. The answer to which from all the evidence we have says, no.




That is true but the point is their lack in numbers is made up for by the proportion of the countries wealth that they own.




He could only pay his wealth to one person... he would run out after that. I also don't know why you ask... Who has suggested this of him?




What makes you think Anna B's backyard is full of multi-millionaire Labour party front benchers? If it was do you not think it would be on the news somewhere?


Oh Lordy! another socialist. Can't you write in a fashion that doesn't have to dissect a conversation? The evidence we have says no that people don't make themselves rich? show me the evidence then and before you say its the workers who they employ (a typical well worn socialist chestnut) let those workers go out themselves and become employers along with all the hassle and possible losses it entails.


Peoples personal wealth is their own business, some people might look at you and demand some of your money. Would you gladly hand it over, no questions asked? Thought not but socialism is and always has been the politics of envy.


You obviously don't follow the press if you don't know how many multi millionaires are in the Labour party and some millionaires are union barons to boot, now what does that say about champagne socialism? go and read a book called animal farm. Lord Sugar is proof that socialists can be millionaires in a modern day society and he did all capitalists a favour by coming out in support of the Marxist sheeple.

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Lord Sugar is proof that socialists can be millionaires in a modern day society and he did all capitalists a favour by coming out in support of the Marxist sheeple.


I'm sure I've seen your posting style somewhere before.


You know you really should desist with all this "Lord Sugar is a Socialist" and "Labour are Marxist" rubbish. It just makes you look incredibly childish.



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I'm sure I've seen your posting style somewhere before.


You know you really should desist with all this "Lord Sugar is a Socialist" and "Labour are Marxist" rubbish. It just makes you look incredibly childish.




Whatever. Prove me wrong.

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Whatever. Prove me wrong.


I don't really need to do I? I don't recall Amstrad being run as a workers collective and I doubt Alan Sugar really advocates public or common ownership and cooperative management of the means of production and the allocation of resources.


Never mind, you're still funny. :love:

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I think the real point is that financially the United Kingdom is in a terrible mess. The Government are in a catch 22. Where could these cuts have been made that would leave people more satisfied. If the Rich are made to pay more than everyone else then they will simply move to other countries in order to prosper leaving us with a shell of a country.

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I think the real point is that financially the United Kingdom is in a terrible mess. The Government are in a catch 22. Where could these cuts have been made that would leave people more satisfied. If the Rich are made to pay more than everyone else then they will simply move to other countries in order to prosper leaving us with a shell of a country.


That is it in a nutshell. I don't know any well off or wealthy people that have any problem at all paying into the pot to support those who for whatever reason, be it disability, mental illness, old age, etc, cannot take care of themselves. What they do have a problem with is paying an astronomical amount in taxes to support those who are too lazy to work, the 17 year old mom who gets knocked up so she can get her own council housing, the family of 12 where the dad and mom have decided its a good idea to let the tax payer support their "habit" of having as many children as possible knowing they could never support them by working. To whom much is given, much is expected. The wealthy know this but they don't want to take responsibility for those able bodied individuals who wont take responsibility for themselves. If forced to do so by ever rising taxes, they will flee and I, for one, wouldn't blame them.

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So who are the biggest losers from today’s spending announcement


The Lib Dem party.



Nick Clegg denies party 'sold out' on cuts


Nick Clegg has written to Liberal Democrat MPs telling them he has not ‘sold out’, amid fears of a rebellion over today’s budget.




Some Lib Dem MPs have threatened to join Labour members in a rebellion against the budget, which is expected to contain tax rises and public sector cuts, as chancellor George Osborne tries to chip away at a £155billion deficit


Read more: http://www.metro.co.uk/news/832123-nick-clegg-denies-party-sold-out-on-cuts#ixzz1318R3zbL

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