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So who are the biggest losers from today’s spending announcement

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Wait until the VAT goes up. No doubt the major supermarkets will be cashing in again. It's amazing that, during a recession, their profits have been constantly hitting the roof! If this was in France, the supermarkets wouldn't get away with it, and neither would the government.


So far its the Tories, Liberals, not labour, the banks, supermarkets, that are wrong with todays society.....so whos next on your hit list.

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The ill and disabled because they don't have a history of getting together and fighting back, therefore they are easy targets. Just keep taking money off their benefits and making it harder to claim until they die or kill themselves. That's the reality of £7bn in benefit cuts, way in excess of any level of fraud that's ever been identified.

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So the DQ victim was to do with the previous labour goverment....for once get real


I'm not sure what you are talking about Hitch.


A cut in police numbers, especially in hard times can mean only one thing.


Clearly, the Coalition are not the party of law and order.

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I'm not sure what you are talking about Hitch.


A cut in police numbers, especially in hard times can mean only one thing.


Clearly, the Coalition are not the party of law and order.


Well you were trying to blame a victim of street crime that happens after this date, on this goverment......so do you blame all previous victims on the previous goverment ?

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I'm not sure what you are talking about Hitch.


A cut in police numbers, especially in hard times can mean only one thing.


Clearly, the Coalition are not the party of law and order.


They are the ones clearing up the dog poo that the last lot left on the pavement. If you spend 30% more than you earn for 13 years don't try blaiming the receivers for your bankrupcy.

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Well you were trying to blame a victim of street crime that happens after this date, on this goverment......so do you blame all previous victims on the previous goverment ?


Sometimes, I wonder...


Do you not appreciate that crime will rise as a result of today's annoncement?


And that detection rates will fall?

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So far its the Tories, Liberals, not labour, the banks, supermarkets, that are wrong with todays society.....so whos next on your hit list.


WRONG - 'not labour' - Labour should have reigned the banks and the supermarkets in. They should not have pandered to them, and the rich and influential and they should have taxed them more appropriately. They should have treated the pensioners fairly and ensured what was promised was delivered. I have always said this. So, for those reasons, I believe Labour must take some of the responsibility.


Who's next on my hit list? I don't know yet....

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Sensationalism strikes again.

Most reductions in the public sector will be made when a post holder leaves and they are not replaced.

The disability allowance will be discontinued for those who are able to work.

Jobs can be made available by employing people from this country before outsiders.

If I remember correctly in my youth you were offered 3 jobs from the labour exchange and if you refused the third your dole money was stopped.

I don't think the effect on the police will be massive as they will still have the same number of officers and the cuts will be made by operating more efficiently and any job losses will be due to improved operating proceedures and new technology.

Doom and gloom or hope for the future.

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