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So who are the biggest losers from today’s spending announcement

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Johnson is trying to figure out how it was possible to spend so much and run up such a huge deficit and still manage to increase unemployment by 1 million over their 13 years in power.


Would that have anything to do with his somewhat strange idea that people are under no obligation to go out and find themselves a job; ambition and motivation are irrelevant because one of the prime duties of any government is to bring the jobs to the people?

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The Government keeps going on about us all being in this together, but does the reality paint a different picture.


From what I can see the losers are as follows:


490,000 Public Sector workers will lose their jobs

Social Housing tenants will have funding cut by 50% and new tenants will pay higher rents

Armed forces will have significant job losses

18,000 Police jobs

Most of us will have to work longer before we get our State Pensions

Child Benefit for higher taxpayers

Housing and Council Tax Benefit claimants



At the risk of stating the obvious, but this looks rather like the Poor are taking the burden rather more than the well-off.


Anyway, thanks once again Nick, perhaps you could tell us how we are all in this together.


You sound like a bit of a socialist/protectionist/unionist/welfare supporter to me. In other words, a person who thinks everyone else should pay for the policies/spending and bad decisions of the last government who no-doubt you supported as long as you personally don't have to feel the pinch as you can't afford it yourself. Typical socialist views to fund your life style as those earning more can afford to pay it.


Have you ever asked yourself why they can afford to pay more? I bet not. Maybe they just applied themselves at school and worked hard in life to get where they are and maybe they resent people like you calling in their aspirations to fund your own lack of them because the world owes you a living as directed by the last socialist regime that left us all in this very mess that we once again find ourselves in after the leaving of a labour party throughout history that we find ourselves on our knees again.


There are no front line jobs in the civil service that are going and needed, only non-titles like " football street coordinator" (google it) and no announcement over police jobs at all, in fact, the police federation say that over the last 10yrs they have had increased funding of 45% but productivity has gone down and they are more than relieved by the reductions which they were expecting more of. Take away the red tape from the last controlling Labour regime and you can probably employ more officers.


You Titanic, are just re-arranging the deck chairs on your own vessel to suit your own purpose but like your namesake, you will sink in the end along with the last Marxist regime.

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You Titanic, are just re-arranging the deck chairs on your own vessel to suit your own purpose but like your namesake, you will sink in the end along with the last Marxist regime.


:hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi: Where have you sprung from? You're a right laugh, "Marxist regime", hilarious!

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You sound like a bit of a socialist/protectionist/unionist/welfare supporter to me. In other words, a person who thinks everyone else should pay for the policies/spending and bad decisions of the last government who no-doubt you supported as long as you personally don't have to feel the pinch as you can't afford it yourself. Typical socialist views to fund your life style as those earning more can afford to pay it.


Have you ever asked yourself why they can afford to pay more? I bet not. Maybe they just applied themselves at school and worked hard in life to get where they are and maybe they resent people like you calling in their aspirations to fund your own lack of them because the world owes you a living as directed by the last socialist regime that left us all in this very mess that we once again find ourselves in after the leaving of a labour party throughout history that we find ourselves on our knees again.


There are no front line jobs in the civil service that are going and needed, only non-titles like " football street coordinator" (google it) and no announcement over police jobs at all, in fact, the police federation say that over the last 10yrs they have had increased funding of 45% but productivity has gone down and they are more than relieved by the reductions which they were expecting more of. Take away the red tape from the last controlling Labour regime and you can probably employ more officers.


You Titanic, are just re-arranging the deck chairs on your own vessel to suit your own purpose but like your namesake, you will sink in the end along with the last Marxist regime.



It's because of the old boys act who continually promote themselves by exploiting the masses and shuffle their money around offshore accounts to avoid paying the tax they should.

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It's because of the old boys act who continually promote themselves by exploiting the masses and shuffle their money around offshore accounts to avoid paying the tax they should.


Why should you expect to eat the old boys cake as you should put it? Can't you bake your own or do you rely on the old boys who risk their money to create jobs for old socialists like you that don't have the money or capability to do it for yourself? When you can't do anything for yourself enterprising its always the fault of the entrepreneur who employs you.


The simple answer is stop being cannon fodder and do something for yourself, no-one is stopping you, except you of course, when you climb that social mobility ladder into the so called middle class and become a good earner, all the socialists will want to attack you as well. *chuckles*


Its not all about you men you know, we women play our part as well. Socialism was put to bed at the last election. Get over it.

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On the news yesterday (BBC) it said our welfare bill accounts for 1/3 of our public expenditure! What puts the amount of our debt in perspective for me, is the fact that just the cuts to the welfare budget alone, which judging by the ranting on here is severe, will only save £18bn out of the £180bn hole we need to dig ourselves out of!


It baffles me how the hardcore NuLabour supporters on here are in complete denial of what a mess the last lot got us into.

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Why should you expect to eat the old boys cake as you should put it? Can't you bake your own or do you rely on the old boys who risk their money to create jobs for old socialists like you that don't have the money or capability to do it for yourself? When you can't do anything for yourself enterprising its always the fault of the entrepreneur who employs you.


The simple answer is stop being cannon fodder and do something for yourself, no-one is stopping you, except you of course, when you climb that social mobility ladder into the so called middle class and become a good earner, all the socialists will want to attack you as well. *chuckles*


Its not all about you men you know, we women play our part as well. Socialism was put to bed at the last election. Get over it.


JFHC. I am not a socialist. I have been to university and have done the things people are supposed to do to get on in life, but unfortunately for me, I am nowhere near the top of the tree. Why is that?


There's a saying that, "Life is what you make it." Well, it's a crock and an overworked cliche that people use without thinking about what it actually means. The fact is, "Life is what OTHER PEOPLE let you make it."

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