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Who gave you away? (and other problems!)

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How worried are you about tradition? If you're not worried, then does it really have to be a male relative that gives you away? Does it even have to be a family member? What about your closest friend?


Agree with some of the other posters, that, if family are making it all too complicated, and if they fail to appreciate that its your day, then maybe going off somewhere and marrying it isn't such a bad idea. You don't want to have family arguments and bitterness spoiling such a happy occasion.

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Hi Gina , Do what me and Barry did , bog off abroad and do it!! Much much cheaper than doing it here.My big Brother gave me away but if he hadn't been able to make it I had a friend lined up to do the honours.We let our friends know where and when and actually ended up with 36 of us in Rhodes!! It's a day for you two , your family should respect that .Good luck


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Tradition isnt everything to me to be honest. I would love to get married in Ecclesfield Church but I dont follow religion, I wont go to church just so I can have the wedding there then never attend again, dont see the point really. Now we've thought about it, cause we did keep it in mind, its just something else to add to our ever growing schedule! Like oh crap, we cant do XXX cause we've got to attend church.... sounds daft but im not doing it. I know people do, and thats their choice. I dont want town hall - its nice but theres something about it that puts me off.


We've decided on the one place for the whole day - and the wedding night (or somewhere with rooms close by!) We've told family, both sides - and we're being told that we are overstretching ourselves, with the budget (even though non know our budget, how much we earn, or our outgoings!) I have found somewhere but ive had nothing but 'the foods crap' .... 'theres no where to smoke people have to go to cold to smoke' .... 'drinks are overpriced' :( Wish they'd just bloody lay off it for 10 minutes.


I dont want to go abroad. Dont know why just never appealed to me :( x

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I've got the t-shirt with this one too Gina ;)


We got married in Scotland to eliminate interference, and to discourage the freeloaders in the family


We had a one-venue wedding, which has tons of advantages, such as dry guests, no cars breaking down, and nobody getting lost between the important bit and the food


I had a father who we could have anticipated not turning up at all, so we discussed walking down the aisle together - saves any noses out of joint ;)


It doesn't matter WHAT you do, SOMEBODY will object, so do what suits you, and practice either saying 'it's all a big surprise, wait for your invite', or 'well you don't have to come (and that'll save us money :P )'


Enjoy your day :)

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I didn't have the sort of problems you have had but lots of people didn't like our idea of getting married in Italy, especially my mum. Eventually when people kept saying 'but WHY are you getting married in Italy?!' I just responded by saying 'Why not?!' which usually shut them up!

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Gina its you and your OH and son as a family that counts hunny dont be bullied its your wedding and if they dont agree well tough!!!! they dont have to go,i think its sounds fab what you want to do and all i can say is go with it,if your family choose not to be part of it well hey ho thats their choice,go ahead book what you both want then invite and tell em this is what we are having and thats it good luck xxxxxxx

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Ive got a son yes, but hes not quite 3 yet. So he'd be 5 and half - most exciting part for me is getting him a tailormade suit :hihi:


Im definatly just going to go for it. Today ive been off, veeeery off. And have snapped at everyone whos crossed my path, incl family (back in the MILs bad books :gag: What is her precious son doing with me?! :lol: ) had arguements wrt colours we like :o COLOURS! We made a joke about my dress, and I said im certainly not getting married in white, im not exactly pure am I? And my OH, being the idiot he is, said 'jeeez you want a black dress then?' To me - I burst into laughter, everyone just glared at us! Going to talk to him - when my mother ups her backside from my house. And talk him into just doing it, how we want, noone elses input and how we imagine it.


Await my cake thread though ;) I havent brought it up yet but the MIL will insist on making it - but she aint! Ive picked my cake maker already, and booked her to a point. Shes amazing, her cakes are devine and shes going to make me a 7 tiered cupcake, mwuahahahhaa!


Thanks though everyone, I will certainly post and let you know how I get on :) x

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The person giving you away is suppose to be your protector in life, traditionally your father (less said about modern life the better, on this thread at least), but it is whomever you see as the person most fit to give you away to your next protecter.

I even went to a wedding where the ex-husband gave the bride away.

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