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Eczema - alternative therapies?

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I'm posting this as I have a bit of a problem, and you guys seem to be quite intelligent, well travelled people who might, possibly be able to help...



You see, I suffer from fairly severe eczema, and it gets worse as we approach the cold autumn/winter seasons. I have steroid creams that can ease the symptoms, but I was wondering if anybody knows of any alternative therapies that might help. The further into winter we get the more I develop the skin complexion of Freddy Krueger, so any suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated.



Many thanks -




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Do not go to the Chinese herbalist on Chapel Walk. I had had what I, and my doctor, thought was eczema on my hands for a while and nothing cured it. I tried the herbalist out of desperation and he gave me these creams for my hands and lots of disgusting tea. Nightmare time, my hands erupted and cracked so badly that I had to wear gloves all the time. After several appointments with different specialists at the dermatology department of the Hallamshire hospital it was eventually diagnosed as psoriasis and ultimately cured.


If you want to know the particular unguent I was prescribed, and I still have some left, pm me for details.

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My eczema is worse in the summer. It's not too bad at the moment because the doctor perscribed me some antibiotics because he suspected I have a skin infection. Although steroid cream helps, it never gets rid of it completely. I've given up going to see the doctor about it because nothing he seems to give me does any good. And when he gives you a perscription it's normally got about 6 items on it which costs nearly £40. It's more than I can afford being a student.

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Ultra violet light helps people with Psoriasis, I would think it would help you too


Hence why it can be better in the summer if you get your shirt off in the sun


You can get a sunbed with the right kind of tubes, or go to sessions somewhere else


Discuss it with your GP first and she thinks it is a good idea, you can ask if they do anything on the NHS


Good luck

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Thanks for everybody's suggestions, I really appreciate your help, and I'll talk over these options with my doctor.



Sidla, I'm sure that you are entitled to free presecriptions if you're a student. There's a lengthy, laborious form you have to fill in but it's better than shelling out £40.00 a time for your medicine. Ask for the form at your chemists.





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