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Eczema - alternative therapies?

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I also suffer from eczema on/off. I had an allergy test at the hospital and found out I was allergic to aloe vera and certain preservatives found in many skin creams/ shower gels/ shampoos etc. I avoid all the things I'm supposed to avoid but I still get eczema periodically and it seems to get worse and more widespread each time. Like many others, I've been to the doctor countless times only to be prescribed steroid creams, which alleviate the symptoms slightly but don't treat the cause (whatever that might be!) I've heard about people avoiding certain foods that might aggravate eczema, such as wheat, dairy products & tomatoes. Has anyone tried this, and has it worked for them? Sometimes it seems like I'm allergic to my own sweat, & the only logical explanation could be that it's something I'm eating!

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I have generally found that Chinese herbalists are inaccurate and over priced. My neice is currently having problems with some form of psoriasis.


We have told her to go to a traditional herbalists - my mother swears by hers which is quite interesting being that mother is a nurse!


I would say the same. You should find a herbalist that is registered with the National Instistute of Medicinal Herbalists - there are at least 5 in Sheffield. Their prices vary depending on their own costs. But you should get an initial consultation that last at least an hour and they will cover every aspect of your medical history NOT just the problem you are seeking help with in order to diagnose and treat the problem or indeed the cause.


Moon Maiden

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I've had a universal contour wrap recently and the therapist mentioned that the wrap is particulary effective for people who suffer from eczema. More information about the contour wrap can be found at: http://www.universalcontourwrap.co.uk


If you are interested in the treatment, I'll tell you where I had mine done. I lost 7.3 inches!!! yay!


Also, my boyfriend suffers from psoriasis on his forehead/scalp and I use a product from Lush called "snake oil scalp bar".... It was about £3 and lasts ages. If you keep it in your hand for a while, the warmth from your hands turns it to oil and you rub it into the scalp. Chris loves his snake oil massages hehe! :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Dave,

I had eczema mainly on my right thumb that got worse in winter and much better at the ocean. Cracked, fragile, horrible.

It was chronic for 10 years.

My sister told me she was taking Glucosamine Sulfate for osteoarthritis. I tried it because my right knee doesn't like stairs.

So far this winter, it has cured my eczema!!

I asked a dermatologist and he told me that this is just anecdotal, there is no connection between glucosamine sulfate and skin conditions.

I am just so thrilled.

I would love to know why this is working for me and I suppose the first step is to see if it works for anybody else.

I take only 1/3 of a pill of Glucosamine Sufate, per day, in the morning for breakfast with my regular vitamins. It is made by Solgar Vitamin and Herb (UK).


Of course, I have only been exzema-free so far this winter, but there is definitely some benefit here and I would sure like to know how it works. I hope you have luck, too with it if you try it. If you do, could you e-mail me and tell me your results (good or nothing?)




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benzoyl peroxide would be good for a few spots. Sure it's fine if you don't mind your face cracking


I used benzoyl peroxide on my skin a while ago and it does work if you use enough. However, it dries up your skin and cracks it which looks a damn sight worse than the spot did in the first place.


What I would reccommend for anyone who is suffering from spots is Well Adjusted Cleanser from Virgin Vie... It's the best thing I have ever used on my skin and I'll never go back to any other product!!


I have a perfect complexion now that I've been using this product... anyone who's seen a photograph of me will know! The product's a bit expensive at £10 a bottle, but Clarins and Clinique's cleansers are much more expensive!!


Now for the sales pitch.... If anyone wants to know how to get hold of Virgin Vie's well adjusted cleanser, PM me and I'll pop an order through for you....



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I saw an interesting program the other day that suggested that al sorts of ailments including asthma, eczema, hay fever and other allergic reactions could be treated using intestinal worms.


One scientist has cultivated a colony of about 300 hookworms in his gut, and now no longer suffers from the sever hay fever that plagued him for 20 years.

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Originally posted by Phanerothyme

I saw an interesting program the other day that suggested that al sorts of ailments including asthma, eczema, hay fever and other allergic reactions could be treated using intestinal worms.


One scientist has cultivated a colony of about 300 hookworms in his gut, and now no longer suffers from the sever hay fever that plagued him for 20 years.

I think I'd rather make do without the parasites TBH! It sounds disgusting!

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