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British Muslims biggest funders to the Taliban

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That would be a helpful link had the claim been made that Brits weren't helping the taliban.


However, the claim was that the taliban didn't profit from drugs.


Different, see?


The Taliban, alternative spelling Taleban, (Pashto: طالبان ṭālibān, meaning "students") is a hanafi Islamist political group that governed Afghanistan from 1996 until it was overthrown in late 2001.


It has regrouped since 2004 and revived as a strong insurgency movement governing mainly local Pashtun areas and fighting a guerrilla war against the governments of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF).[6] The Taliban movement is a tribal confederacy of Ghilzai and their allied tribes and are staunch Afghan/Pashtoon Nationalists (strictly follow the social cultural norm called pashtoonwali) and also are Hanafi traditionalists i.e., followers of Imam Abu Hanifa Madhhab.


Just trying to spin the thread back on track spinny.

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I called my mum, she was annoyed I had bothered her, adding that she didn't understand your post either. She wondered in what way long term thinking might be confused with racism?


So, erm, I'm still none the wiser. Perhaps your mum might explain?


Funny :hihi:

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This has been done to death already, but why do other muslims have to stand up against something they have nothing to do with?


(Ignoring the fact that they do, but for some reason it doesn't get much publicity)


That's the most self-centred statement i've heard on here from a long time!!!


I don't work for the civil service, don't have kids & at a big push would have the means to pay for my own medical care.....off topic I know....but i'm still dismayed & worried at the Governement cuts even though they don't affect me directly.


Your statement & people on the whole thinking like that, is the very reason the country is in the fliipin mess it's in now. Sellfish & I'm alright jack!


Carry on encouraging people to stick their heads in the sand by all means!

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That's the most self-centred statement i've heard on here from a long time!!!


I don't work for the civil service, don't have kids & at a big push would have the means to pay for my own medical care.....off topic I know....but i'm still dismayed & worried at the Governement cuts even though they don't affect me directly.


Your statement & people on the whole thinking like that, is the very reason the country is in the fliipin mess it's in now. Sellfish & I'm alright jack!


Carry on encouraging people to stick their heads in the sand by all means!




Not really, it means it would be daft to ask you to apologise for the IRA, if you're catholic, or asking you to apologise for the actions of the IDF if you're Jewish.


Most muslims have nothing to apologise for because they are not terrorists.

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"So it runs in the family then?


What do you think it means? "


At a guess I think it means that you think the only people capable of forward thinking are racists?


Though your mum said you were just weird and had always struggled explaining what you meant. She suggested, of course, that you must have got that from your dad's side of the family.


Any chance we can end this mindless banter and just clear this up with a straightforward explanation of what you meant? Or must we drag our grandparents into this?

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Not really, it means it would be daft to ask you to apologise for the IRA, if you're catholic, or asking you to apologise for the actions of the IDF if you're Jewish.


Most muslims have nothing to apologise for because they are not terrorists.


On that line of thinking then (as a white british person) I shouldn't be ashamed of my countries past slave trade links?......Sorry but i'm very ashamed of that!


You have your moral codes.....I have mine!

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