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Protests in France vs UK

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Given the widespread violent protests (3.5 million by some estimates, including large numbers of students) in France over raising the retirement age from 60 to 62 amongst other cuts, why do you think that people over here in the UK are so reluctant to go out and protest, or show opposition in any sort of way?


The spending review set out that our pension age will be raised from 65 to 67 yet no-one seems too upset, even though people in the UK expect to receive one of the lowest number of years in retirement in the OECD and France the highest (OECD at a glance 2009). Leaving the politics about cuts out of it (there are already enough threads about that) why do you think this is?


Are people in too much debt to care over here?


Is it really in our nature to protest?


Would people rather be shopping than striking over here?

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I think that for many of us retirement seems very far away and what people seem to be thinking about is how do we get through the month or this year without getting further in to debt.We also work the longest hours in Europe and we seem to accept that without too much protest so I guess that something that is not going to happen for some for another 30 years seems nothing to get too excited about. It is the here and now what we think about.


And anyway many people actually enjoy working and dread the though at the age of 65 of having nothing to do, especially those who have worked all their life.

Just my opinion. I am sure there are those who just cant wait to retire.

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Because we have more sense. Simple fact is, we are skint, never mind why and whose fault it is. WE ARE SKINT.


If you are SKINT you stop spending, till your finances are in order.


This is not the end of the world. Normal service will be resumed as soon as we are SOLVENT.


The more the pain, the quicker the gain.


Stop reading the papers listening to the doom mongers on the telly. Work hard, spend nowt.


All will be well.

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Are people in too much debt to care over here?
Compared to France? Yes, definitely. Compared to Ireland? Not by a long shot.

Is it really in our nature to protest?
Yes, but Brits have a much longer wick :D


Joke aside, don't underestimate/forget the role of unions in the current protests in France: Sarkozy is currently experiencing his 'Maggy moment'.



Why they are more upset in France is another question.
Because the causes and effects which you are witnessing in the UK now, have existed in France for two decades longer: Labour-style profligate public/social spending started in 1981 over there.


The hint is in the respective retirement ages emboldened in the OP: representative of everything else which is out-of-kilter, when you compare the everydayman's lot in both countries. It's not Greece or Spain, but it's not that far off.


I daresay they are more upset through shock: they have a much saltier tab to swallow, faster, with much less forewarning.

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Over here we still believe everything we are told, and don't question enough.


For months we have been softened up via the press to attack the unemployed and those on benefits as if they were the enemy. The same thing with the public sector, and pension recipients.


Instead of sticking together and supporting the less well off, it's been divide and conquer all the way.


What about going for the real culprits, the banks, the politicians, the mega rich tax evaders - the amount they've evaded in tax could solve this crisis without touching the ordinary man in the street. And they would barely miss it.


All in this together? Not a chance...

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Instead of sticking together and supporting the less well off, it's been divide and conquer all the way.


So true people in UK have an attitude of "I'm ok screw everyone else". I remember when people did stick together now they would sell there mother to get ahead.

The country is lost and it is too late!!!!!!!

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Because we have more sense. Simple fact is, we are skint, never mind why and whose fault it is. WE ARE SKINT.


If you are SKINT you stop spending, till your finances are in order.


This is not the end of the world. Normal service will be resumed as soon as we are SOLVENT.


The more the pain, the quicker the gain.


Stop reading the papers listening to the doom mongers on the telly. Work hard, spend nowt.


All will be well.



Stick with the day job duck. :D

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