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Protests in France vs UK

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The French :roll:, 60-62 why should they be against giving their country 2 more working years ? anyhow 62 now-a-days is much too young to stop working, people are healthier and stronger than ever.


It's amazing what length the pharmaceutical companies will go to to keep us all alive and grinding at the wheel.

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France is living on borrowed time it has not had a budget surplus since 1976. ours by contrast is was 2004. (which is one of the main reasons for yesterdays cuts)


Govts. raise their money by issuing bonds and paying a interest charge over time against them. the 125 million pounds a day we (UK) are borrowing is borrowed from the money markets is underwritten the private sector, if they decide we are a risk than first they will ask us to pay more in interest (as a bad credit risk) or refuse to borrow us at all then the cuts would be far greater either way. you better pray that yesterday was enough, this could get much more serious. And if Govts. resort to the printing press to fund their deficit then hyperinflation will surely follow (QE is something else btw)


France is no example to follow, its a country living in never never land and its a very racially divided country. Europe has a whole is in a worst state than the US and the UK.

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I appreciate the arguments, but lobbing bricks at the police (who are being affected just as much as everyone else) hardly seems to solve anything.


Civil disobedience would be a much better way of showing contempt for the situation.

For example, if everyone refused to pay their council tax enmass, or some such, it would effect the politicians directly without anyone being hurt.

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I appreciate the arguments, but lobbing bricks at the police (who are being affected just as much as everyone else) hardly seems to solve anything.


Civil disobedience would be a much better way of showing contempt for the situation.

For example, if everyone refused to pay their council tax enmass, or some such, it would effect the politicians directly without anyone being hurt.


I may have got it wrong but doesn't our council tax pay council employees -bin men, care workers to name but two groups of council employees. If I'm right not paying council tax would not hit the politicians making the cut backs.

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I appreciate the arguments, but lobbing bricks at the police (who are being affected just as much as everyone else) hardly seems to solve anything.

I think in the middle of this there is an element of the French poor (normally black and living in the ghettos, or les banlieues) who are using the strikes as an opportunity to cause some trouble. I can't see why anyone would set fire to a car to solve their problems with the age of retirement. The BBC had a small snippet of footage of 'strikers' who were all aged in their late teens and looked like NWA. I doubt they are thinking about their retirement age, it's just an opportunity to cause trouble with les flics.

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Over here we still believe everything we are told, and don't question enough.


For months we have been softened up via the press to attack the unemployed and those on benefits as if they were the enemy. The same thing with the public sector, and pension recipients.


Instead of sticking together and supporting the less well off, it's been divide and conquer all the way.


What about going for the real culprits, the banks, the politicians, the mega rich tax evaders - the amount they've evaded in tax could solve this crisis without touching the ordinary man in the street. And they would barely miss it.


All in this together? Not a chance...


All very good points.


Maybe nobody dares complain lest they get labelled as Communists?



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