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Protests in France vs UK

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historically the french rise up and revolt against those imposing unfair sanctions against the people.

Historically, Paris and France are quite seperate things. Other than the French Revolution there aren't too many examples of France revolting. It was Britain that curtailed the monarchy over a hundred years before the French. Britain had the Chartist movement that lead to male suffrage in 1918, while France turned the votes for men on and off all the way through the 19th century. It was only the third republic that brought it into being solidly, over a hundred years after the revolution. It was Britain that had the suffragete movement. French women couldn't vote until post-WW2, after De Gaulle returned.


Don't mistake modern apathy with historic uprising. The British have battled before, i'm sure we can manage it again.


I said it on another thread, but i'm eager to see how Sarkozy will cope with this. It's not exactly like their riots in 68 but it could build into something serious.

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We have a vote here, but we are no longer a true democracy. We have lost trust in politicians of all parties(deservedly) and corruption and lies are endemic.


But I deplore violence and rioting. And most kinds of strikes will hurt the workers more than the government, especially in an economy as fragile as this.

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