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How many of you voted Conservative and will now lose your jobs??

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Do it over, say, 7 years rather than four. Why do you think that the Cons/Libs want to do it more quickly. The answer... because they want a job after the next election! I voted UKIP by the way! :)


these cuts arent going to get rid of the debt in 4 years time only get it down a bit so its not like they are cutting everything to abolish the debt as all the while with interest it is going up, it is all labours fault spending more than you have coming in doesnt make sense, if britain was a business it would be bankrupt

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seeing as the majority of voters voted cons,its pretty nailed on that some have voted for thier own unemployment,and thier were MANY middle income families that voted them in,and thier the biggest losers moneywise in this budget.

of course we all knew thered be cuts comming,all the partys were agreed on this,what remains to be seen is if they have the desired effect,and how our econonmy reacts.

s yorks is more heavily reliant on public sector employment than say the south east,so this will hit this region hard, and we will likely see the return of the north / south devide again,the notion that private sector jobs will take up the slack in this region seems fancyfull,and its more likely wel lose MORE private sector jobs.

dark days indeed

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But the interest will still be piling up for all those 7 years...I'm not saying your wrong but how will delaying this make it any better when it finally comes?


Doing it over, say, 7 years would be less harsh and the risk of another recession reduced. It could well be far worse financially to do it too quickly!

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Where will the money come from to pay the exta half a million dole applicants and their families?.


Well,from a purely blunt economic view..if a person is earning 10's of thousands in a public sector job then the gov. will be saving money by losing them and only having to pay JSA...not saying I agree with it but that's the economics surely?

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Well,from a purely blunt economic view..if a person is earning 10's of thousands in a public sector job then the gov. will be saving money by losing them and only having to pay JSA...not saying I agree with it but that's the economics surely?


A lot of these people will not be earning a lot more than their benefits after claiming for mortgage, kids, free school meals etc etc. I see what you mean though.

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