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How many of you voted Conservative and will now lose your jobs??

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Rich people go bankrupt all the time.....same with countries when they borrow too much..we're fifth richest but have been spending like we're first...


But you're definately NOT rich, if you have to go bankrupt! Were close to bankcruptcy, so we can't be very rich then can we?

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which other nation is paying interest at the rate we are. I have no debts, but am not that rich, so who is the richer me or someone who is rich with a lot of debt?


Probably the richer person as the debts are not really included in wealth. I have no idea just a guess

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Probably the richer person as the debts are not really included in wealth. I have no idea just a guess


I thought that if you have to go bankrupt, it means you haven't got the wealth to pay off your debts!!!

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