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Meanwhile, the rich get richer..

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That would be the benefit cheat


The others are not socialists.




You see, I'd have the rich <removed> as mine. They can afford to contribute and choose not to.


Most still take though... off those in the middle.

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How does paying more tax, anda greater proportion of tax, and employing others, so they can pay tax, and providing the means for them to earn money, and to export goods, and to increase the intellectual capital of the country.... how does that precisly fit into choosing not to?



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You are going to employ them are you?


I'd be interested in knowing how.


Oh and you'll be stumping up the quarter million a year? As well as all the corporation tax etc?




I'm not, because I'm already gainfully employed for the near future... and the medium future for that matter. And probably beyond.


Ther are plenty of talented young guns who will though. Just make sure you choose your new home well... and your cheap labour.


And you can always have fond memories of the days when you were a proper British citizen.

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How does paying more tax, anda greater proportion of tax, and employing others, so they can pay tax, and providing the means for them to earn money, and to export goods, and to increase the intellectual capital of the country.... how does that precisly fit into choosing not to?




How do you improve the "intellectual capital" of the country?

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Not really no. I pay enough tax already thanks - a considerable amount more than most, and as a proportion more than most as well. I also directly employ 40 people and pay them a good wage too. Is that not good enough?


No I'll take the product - and the IP naturally which means that no-one will fill the gap and move closer to my main sales market.


That will of course lose you my tax, the tax of those workers, you get the cost of thier dole to pay, and you lose out on the very small amount I'd add to a manufacturing based recovery. All for your outdated punitive taxation.


Meanwhile I make more money, and more profitably because labour costs are less. I can even get Marmite shipped out.


You see, despite it being shown time and again, you simply dont get it - all of you socialists and social wanabees. Tax the wealthy to death, and they just leave - and you have a screwed economy. Yes you may have people at the top you dont like, but the alternative is to have everyone at the bottom, and that bottom is much lower than the current model.


But hey. Cut your nose off to spite your face. It's no real concern to me.


I don't know what your staff manufacture so it may well be that you can take your product abroad - but it doesn't mean you have to.

And unless your staff are all earning £100,000+ then your tax bill of £240,000 would probably be lower under my system.

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