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Meanwhile, the rich get richer..

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Something simpler to understand:


Sir Philip Green, having transferred his Ardcadia Company into his wife's name, and relocated to the tax haven of Monte Carlo, has just taken a

£1.2 Billion

dividend, free of tax, this year.


So much for 'if we tax them at a higher rate, they'll go elsewhere' - they already have.

Exactly why Cameron has sought his services.We all wish we could do the same but few have that ability.If the government can harness this level of ability the future looks bright.Not saying I agree with his "tax avoidance".......still better than tax evasion, but the man has got ability in the extremes,something sadly lacking in the last lot of parochial chancers with little experience of how to stop the country reaching record levels of debt.Green is under scrutiny now as is the Coalition,and I know who I would put my money on!
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Something simpler to understand:


Sir Philip Green, having transferred his Ardcadia Company into his wife's name, and relocated to the tax haven of Monte Carlo, has just taken a

£1.2 Billion

dividend, free of tax, this year.


So much for 'if we tax them at a higher rate, they'll go elsewhere' - they already have.


So those people who keep saying tax them at a higher rate, let them leave......well they are getting there wish early, say goodbye to the tax he would have paid.


I think most people would prefer a system where if you have a british passport you get taxed where ever you have you funds.


ps: its not simpler its just a segment of what happens within tax......it relates to the last bit where the richest person doesnt come back

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So those people who keep saying tax them at a higher rate, let them leave......well they are getting there wish early, say goodbye to the tax he would have paid.


I think most people would prefer a system where if you have a british passport you get taxed where ever you have you funds.


ps: its not simpler its just a segment of what happens within tax......it relates to the last bit where the richest person doesnt come back


But, the point is that he never intended to pay any tax at all. Yet we allow him to advise our Government. People like him make me really angry actually. Our response ought to be to remove his citizenship, not ask his advice.

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here we all are, arguing (fairly) nicely over whether or not it's a good thing that the wealthy are wealthier, when we should be storming the equivalent of the Bastille.


When/Where are the protest marches?


There is one tomorrow from the Western Bank University starting at 11:30 to arrive at the town hall around 12:30 for a big regional TUC rally.

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But, the point is that he never intended to pay any tax at all. Yet we allow him to advise our Government. People like him make me really angry actually. Our response ought to be to remove his citizenship, not ask his advice.


Remove his citizenship? what will that achieve? its an honest question as im not sure.

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Something simpler to understand:


Sir Philip Green, having transferred his Ardcadia Company into his wife's name, and relocated to the tax haven of Monte Carlo, has just taken a

£1.2 Billion

dividend, free of tax, this year.


So much for 'if we tax them at a higher rate, they'll go elsewhere' - they already have.


Yeah, try telling him "we're all in it together"


I just hope his wife runs off with the money, and the gardener

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'When/Where are the protest marches? '


There was a massive TUC regional/yorkshire one in town today, though I suspect poorly advertised and ones all over the UK and the LP were a bit too over-represented and seemed to forget the bad things they done over the last thirteen years.


some pictures here



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Remove his citizenship? what will that achieve? its an honest question as im not sure.


It will stop him from entering our country freely. If he doesn't want to contribute, he shouldn't have automatic entry to the country.


It might also deter some of the other tax exiles who live here just long enough to enjoy it, without paying tax.


Honest answer:)

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