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Sheffield Gangs and the Flying Squad


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Didn't a Glasgow Inspector by the name of Shillitoe introduce brutal [and well deserved] tactics, effectively battering the various gangs into submission? My late paternal Grandmother claimed this was so.


Oddly enough, I have met a man who claimed to be Shillitoe's great grandson. However, I do not think that he has inherited the 'hard as nails' genes of his ancestor. He is an interior designer in Southport.




Always thought that it was the previous chief constable that started the flying squad (Hall Dalewood ??) Shillitoe then came along and took the credit.

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They're used to be a big Pitch and Toss ring on Skye Edge and remember my dad telling me that as a kid him and a few others used to act as look outs for the police raids.

Think it was these gambling rings that were the start of the gang wars.

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The Police Officers concerned included a man called Streets and another called Millichaep bothwho went to jail, They were not allowed to retire. The Sheffield police were under pressure to clear up burglaries and robberies at the time by any means possible. Streets and Millicheap went out drinkning whilst on duty and arrested the Hartleys who were low level criminals and informers. Under the influence they used the Rhino whip on them to abstract confessions and information. The hartleys instructed local solicitoy Roy Barlow to represent them and he took it to the papers. Whilst the careers of a number of Police officers was runined interestingly the information given up by the Hartleys was useful and correct. Roy Barlow went on to become a judge and was known to employ the children of known criminals in his office.

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Hi All


Regarding the Chief Constable who set up the Flying Squad. As a recent post correctly states, it was not Percy Sillitoe who originated the team, it had been in operation one year to the day he took office.


Credit for instituting the Squad must go to the previous Chief, Lt. Col. John Hall-Dalwood. He was by all accounts an excellent Chief who recognised the need for serious action in relation to the gangs and took it. Hall-Dallwood never received the credit he deserved because he was not popular with the Police Authority at that time, hence the more memorable character of Sillitoe stepped forward and entered into Sheffield folklore.


The giant PC who was a well known member of the Squad, and has been mentioned in previous posts, was Walter Loxley at around 6' 4" in height and 19 stone in weight he was hard to miss. Jack Farrily was another well known member of the squad.


It is good to see debate continuing on this historical subject.

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The giant PC who was a well known member of the Squad, and has been mentioned in previous posts, was Walter Loxley at around 6' 4" in height and 19 stone in weight he was hard to miss. Jack Farrily was another well known member of the squad.


walter loxley was an ancestor of mine but i didnt know he was 6' 4" tall or 19 stone.i knew he was in the squad with shillito but thats all i know of him.

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Hi All


Regarding the Chief Constable who set up the Flying Squad. As a recent post correctly states, it was not Percy Sillitoe who originated the team, it had been in operation one year to the day he took office.


Credit for instituting the Squad must go to the previous Chief, Lt. Col. John Hall-Dalwood. He was by all accounts an excellent Chief who recognised the need for serious action in relation to the gangs and took it. Hall-Dallwood never received the credit he deserved because he was not popular with the Police Authority at that time, hence the more memorable character of Sillitoe stepped forward and entered into Sheffield folklore.


The giant PC who was a well known member of the Squad, and has been mentioned in previous posts, was Walter Loxley at around 6' 4" in height and 19 stone in weight he was hard to miss. Jack Farrily was another well known member of the squad.


It is good to see debate continuing on this historical subject.

In those days a man of 6' 4 would have been a giant, as very few men were over 6ft, average height was about 5ft 7 or 8 then.

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Does anyone remember the police rhino whipping scandal 1963
Would that be the one involving the Hartley brothers? I seem to remember a bit of business when the Police, looking to enhance their yearly results, picked them up and tried to coerce them into confessing to crimes they had nothing to do with.
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Just to add further info about Walt Loxley ,I have a photo here of Walt at my Uncles wedding(c1954).Imagine a group of 30 people outside the church,well Walt is the man who looks like he is stood on a box,he is head and shoulders above everyone else.How tall he is unclear but my Uncle was 6ft1. and he was taller than that and almost as wide,and by all acounts a great teller of the real happenings of the gang wars.He was a giant of a man and very well repspected by all.

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