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Swearing - Your Opinion

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A swear word is just that.. a word. As time moves on so does societies views on whats acceptable and whats not, swearing is more widely used by current generations than it ever was as there view is that it is acceptable to swear during normal conversation. I use the odd swear word from time to time, the only thing i don't agree with is swearing infront of young children (even though some of them could probably teach me a few words)

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There's the argument where people state that swearing belies a lack of vocaublary, now I think that's plain foolishness. I swear, not to excess, not every other word but in a way which enhances my statement and brings emphasis where needed.


I was raised in an environment where 'industrial language' was the norm and as a result can express myself adequately in the roughest circumstance but due to a love of language and personal confidence am equally at home talking in more salubrious circles.


As has been noted upon the evolution of language, have a look at the previous name of this Oxford street http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magpie_Lane,_Oxford

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I don't get offended by adults swearing in conversation but I really hate to hear kids swearing (or people swearing around kids). Luckily, since we moved from High Green I don't tend to hear it so much now!


Which part of High Green is that, the part where the houses have quadruple glazing.

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The only thing I dont like, is when people use it every other word. It loses its power and just becomes annoying because its all you hear.


"I went f* town other day, bought a f* tele, f* cost me a bomb"


Arrrggghhhhh!!!! That really gets to me, too. Especially when "like" is used to excess as well.


It's just so tedious - expletives should be used to add emphasis to what you're saying, moronically using the f word repeatedly really is a sign of a poor vocabulary, as far as I'm concerned.

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