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Foreign Aid to cost each of us £2500 over 4 years

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I think we should cut the International Development budget. In times like this, charity should start at home. We give enough money away when we can afford it more.


That is the point I'm trying to get across but these corrupt government/despot lovers don't like it.


They can't seem to accept that most of the aid goes into the pockets of corrupt government officials.


They're happy that most of our foreign aid then ends up in Swiss Bank accounts.


Aren't some people strange?

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So you think arming people is perfectly justifiable when they can't even feed themselves.


I no you are really struggling with this concept but where have I ever suggested the arms industry was justifiable?


All you want to do is arm and help the despot corrupt governments maintain their grip on power.


Yea, that is what I've been saying all along. :roll:


Some humanitarian I don't think.


You're the only one who has suggested that I am one!

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I no you are really struggling with this concept but where have I ever suggested the arms industry was justifiable?

Where have you said that even though you tell us that you know what goes on that you don't agree with it.


Yea, that is what I've been saying all along.


Well it's nothing to be proud of


You're the only one who has suggested that I am one!


On the contrary I know you can't be one considering you are against my OP

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Where have you said that even though you tell us that you know what goes on that you don't agree with it.


I think it sucks, however I am a realist. If we stopped selling arms it wouldn't stop the arms being purchased from other countries. I'd rather UK people were kept employed and our arms industry subsidised.


Well it's nothing to be proud of


Well done, you missed the point once again.


On the contrary I know you can't be one considering you are against my OP


It's ironic isn't it. You're championing the rights of the foreigners against something that has been described as a subsidy for British industry. Can't you put the people of our country first?

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That is the point I'm trying to get across but these corrupt government/despot lovers don't like it.


They can't seem to accept that most of the aid goes into the pockets of corrupt government officials.


They're happy that most of our foreign aid then ends up in Swiss Bank accounts.


Aren't some people strange?


I think the issue of whether the money is available (which arguably it isn't or shouldn't be at the moment) is a different issue to corruption.


Certainly any corrupt governments that are skimming it should be struck off the list.


I'd go a bit further tbh. If I perform poorly in my job this year, I will not get a pay rise next year (performance related pay), if having done badly I might be lucky still to be in employment. That's how it should be with foreign aid, we as a population give this money away, but what expectation and obligation is placed on those receiving the money? We should only give it to them if they can show they are developing as we want them to so we know the money is doing good, and ensure they're dancing to our tune.

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That is the point I'm trying to get across but these corrupt government/despot lovers don't like it.


They can't seem to accept that most of the aid goes into the pockets of corrupt government officials.


They're happy that most of our foreign aid then ends up in Swiss Bank accounts.


Aren't some people strange?


Quite so..but like yourself some are also quite mad too. not dangerously mad like yourself, because more than likely your condition is likely kept within the realms of tinternet. There are some like yourself who are dangerously mad though because outside of tinternet they are probably no different..they tend to pop up once in a while with half a dozen posts with Nazi names



Has it ever occurred to you that some don't give a hoot about your pettiness? Some might give purely on the grounds that if they give a pound and only 2pence gets through then it's 2pence more than they have (a spoonful of rice in a child's mouth). Of course no one wants to see aid going into Swiss accounts..that was just a MORONIC statement to try and make you look big...you failed, you failed miserably as usual. My guess is you're a very little man who thinks Black n White and hasn't a gumption of idea of the complexity of aid. People in this country do not suffer remotely in any way that others do in other parts of the world..you like many others have fell hook line and sinker for the far right claptrap that's regurgitated in some form or other with fundamentally the same message...again a moronic message that fails at the ballot box.


Giving aid is a massive problem and the only issue I would agree with you on..giving nothing would be even worse. And all based on what? Our pensioners are dropping like flies? You're running short of Fray Bentos pies? You can't afford 3 holidays instead of 2? If anyone in this country is suffering for their life then that's not because of aid overseas it's because our present system is flawed...like every system is flawed.


Stop hiding behind the issue of aid to justify your hatred for anything other than English and White, at least grow a ball or two and 'come out' with your Nazi apologists. At least they allow us to see them for who they are.

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I think the issue of whether the money is available (which arguably it isn't or shouldn't be at the moment) is a different issue to corruption.


Certainly any corrupt governments that are skimming it should be struck off the list.


I'd go a bit further tbh. If I perform poorly in my job this year, I will not get a pay rise next year (performance related pay), if having done badly I might be lucky still to be in employment. That's how it should be with foreign aid, we as a population give this money away, but what expectation and obligation is placed on those receiving the money? We should only give it to them if they can show they are developing as we want them to so we know the money is doing good, and ensure they're dancing to our tune.

I totally agree. Im not all out for stopping it as such but it seems stupid that we give it unconditionally given we know about all the corruption and yet at the same time tighten our own belts here and start witch hunts about benefits and start an air of distrust amongst ourselves.

What we should do is say the money is here but that you, you and you have been taking the **** with it, and we will give it with conditions like its dripped into their economy as long as results are seen and there's transparency or you don't get it no matter how hard that may seem, if your peoples die because of your own governance then it be on your conscience because we have had enough being saps.

Then they can mess up or not but if they do they will have to be called to account for there own actions and have the UN decide whether these people need taking out of power or not, and if they need to then let that war be had. If they mess up they can get the money, get some other schmucks to give it them, but we will have sent the message it won't be us and others who get our aid should take heed.


If we are going to be tough on ourselves then we have every right to get tough with people taking our kindness as a weakness.

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I think the issue of whether the money is available (which arguably it isn't or shouldn't be at the moment) is a different issue to corruption.


Certainly any corrupt governments that are skimming it should be struck off the list.

That has to a large extent been addressed.

I was working in west Africa 7 or 8 years ago, and at the time DFID (Department For International Development) made sure that it directly controlled the purse strings of UK-provided aid, paying directly to contractors and providers wherever possible.

The simple truth of it is that chimps can't organise their own tea parties, it has to be staged so they look nice and cute for the cameras.

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I totally agree. Im not all out for stopping it as such but it seems stupid that we give it unconditionally given we know about all the corruption and yet at the same time tighten our own belts here and start witch hunts about benefits and start an air of distrust amongst ourselves.

What we should do is say the money is here but that you, you and you have been taking the **** with it, and we will give it with conditions like its dripped into their economy as long as results are seen and there's transparency or you don't get it no matter how hard that may seem, if your peoples die because of your own governance then it be on your conscience because we have had enough being saps.

Then they can mess up or not but if they do they will have to be called to account for there own actions and have the UN decide whether these people need taking out of power or not, and if they need to then let that war be had. If they mess up they can get the money, get some other schmucks to give it them, but we will have sent the message it won't be us and others who get our aid should take heed.


If we are going to be tough on ourselves then we have every right to get tough with people taking our kindness as a weakness.


Very well put excellent post.

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I think the issue of whether the money is available (which arguably it isn't or shouldn't be at the moment) is a different issue to corruption.


Certainly any corrupt governments that are skimming it should be struck off the list.


I'd go a bit further tbh. If I perform poorly in my job this year, I will not get a pay rise next year (performance related pay), if having done badly I might be lucky still to be in employment. That's how it should be with foreign aid, we as a population give this money away, but what expectation and obligation is placed on those receiving the money? We should only give it to them if they can show they are developing as we want them to so we know the money is doing good, and ensure they're dancing to our tune.


I agree, we shouldn't give out cash aid without conditions after all what is there to show for all the £Billions poured into Africa over the years.

Look how simple it was for Arrafat to milk off £100million of EU aid.

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