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Cafe told to remove extractor fan to "avoid offending Muslims"

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A cafe in Stockport has been told to remove the extract fan because a local has complained that the smell of cooking bacon is offencive to muslims.The funny thing is ,it wasn't a muslim that brought the complaint, but some meddling do-gooder who's motives are unclear.This is just the kind of pc clap trap that causes friction between folk,and puts peoples livlihood at stake. Who gets upset about frying bacon anyhow,it just makes me hungry!


told by who, using which powers ?

another piece of crap

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Reading between the lines of the story the complainant is using his "Muslim friends" argument as an excuse to get the exhaust flue moved. Why doesn't he just complain from his own viewpoint rather than the half-arsed made up story he uses?


I wouldn't like it if my front door was 12" from the exhaust flue of a greasy fry-up cafe and I might complain to the council, but I would never use an excuse like that.

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doesn't surprise me.. If you want something done tell um your muslim?


i use to live at the side of a takeaway the smell that crap use to make me feel sick but i could live with that it was the tens of rats i couldn't live. the muslim in question should think him self lucy!

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told by who, using which powers ?

another piece of crap


'And councillors at Liberal Democrat run Stockport Council in Greater Manchester ruled the 'odours given off from the vent were unacceptable for neighbouring residents.'


From the link kindly provided in a previous post. I bet you didn't read it?

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