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Rooney on £250,000 A WEEK

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Because if he is not, he will move to some other club where he is.


More the fool of any club deciding to part with that amount of cash for any player, especially one who seems to spend more time off the pitch with 'injury' or red carded for stomping on the heads of other players.


I dont blame Rooney for taking the cash... good on him and we all would given the opportunity. I blame the clubs for agreeing to pay the fee in the first place.


As i understand it, British (Club) footballers are the highest paid in the world yet on the world stage, appear poor in ability compared to foreign club players.


What Rooney and his colleagues get paid matters to me not a jot, i dont pay to watch games and never will. If the supporters reckon he is worth that much then so be it, i hope they enjoy paying for him as much as i do.

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Lower wages should mean that ticket prices are reduced, ensuring more fans to be able to watch their clubs without crippling ticket fees.


But aside from that... why should the likes of Rooney be paid that much anyway?


After all... his antics both on and off the pitch are hardly inspiring illustrations of a 'sportsman' representing the game and 'sportsmanship' at a premium level.

Nobody makes anybody pay to go to a match. If people are willing to pay then thats up to them. You can always vote with your feet.


He shouldn't be paid anything, he is paid what his club thinks he is worth. Why should Tom Cruise command the salary he does per movie when he is like Bruce Campbell doing the same thing. Its basic free market economics.


A salary cap is ridiculous, capping wages for anyone is restriction of trade and unfair. I say fair play to him, if you went into work on monday and you were offered a 75% pay rise and a generous bonus would you say no, would you thank your boss but assure him you weren't worth it and explain that you couldn't in all good conscience accept it because its unfair to others and unreasonable?

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Do they now?




Yet another example of clubs squandering hundreds of thousands of pounds over clearly a wasted exercise.


Or maybe the professional scouts are a better judge of what constitutes a top class player than you are?

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