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Well considering the decision has now been differed, the Lib Dem's wish not to renew tridnet has been achieved for the term of this parliament, has it not? Therefore as the Conservatives had a pledge to renew trident this is clearly a compromise between the two.


I agree it is a compromise - and in the circumstances probably the best the Lib Dems could hope for - you could also argue that the Conservative policy commitment of maintaining a submarine based nuclear deterrent has been achieved


In the current economic climate, if you believe in maintaining an "independent" nuclear deterrent, it is probably the most sensible decision


But, prior to the election, neither party said "we will put off making a decision about this until after the next election" - they were both definitive - and contradictory

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Hmm comparing 5 years of Conservative government with 13 years of Labour .. I think you will find you are fudging the stats to suit your won agenda. Something you are adept at but not clever enough to hide it would seem.


Oh dear, you really are the type of person that politically I despair of.


Look if you want to be a proper Tory then argue things from a real Tory viewpoint, alternatively if you want discuss political issues from a neutral viewpoint then argue your points in an accurate manner.


Let me be absolutely clear about this, you posted selective data that showed the surplus at the start of Labours tenure (you didn't actually, you posted the figure that was an average of their first 5 years) and at the end.


You used this to satisfy your desire to try and make Labours record in this area look worse than it actually was. What you failed to do was publish the years in between and those from the previous 5 years under the Tories. I published this and it shows a completely different picture, and now you want to move the goalposts to a different discussion.


Grow up and start arguing things objectively, or say it as it is and that is that you support the present regime of repugnant little people who would prefer to take money off the poorest people in Society, than from those who can afford it most.


Either you are one of those or you aren't.


I know I'm not, I'm not sure about you.

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Oh dear, you really are the type of person that politically I despair of.


Ha ha, going by the number of people from SF I know either personally or through conversations on here, you are the type of politically blinkered person vast numbers of people despair at. You can’t give a straight answer, you will not question your party of choice, you follow party doctrine without question and you are incapable of individual political thought. You and your little group are old news, with dated traditions of political elegance not through intelligent thought, but by ones place or family of birth. You follow old family allegiances because you are incapable of stepping outside of your tiny frame of opinion.


I applaud those who stand up for their political point of view as not to have an opinion on politics is a sad case of affairs, however, you and the few I have previously mentioned are by far worse. Unquestioned loyalty, unfettered regurgitation of political propaganda and the unwillingness to have your own opinion is frankly a scary thought considering the damage that kind of mentality caused Europe and its neighbours not so long ago.


You are not part of the salutation to this country, you are part of the problem but thankfully you are of the ever decreasing group of political zealots.


Toodle pip.

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Ha ha, going by the number of people from SF I know either personally or through conversations on here, you are the type of politically blinkered person vast numbers of people despair at. You can’t give a straight answer, you will not question your party of choice, you follow party doctrine without question and you are incapable of individual political thought. You and your little group are old news, with dated traditions of political elegance not through intelligent thought, but by ones place or family of birth. You follow old family allegiances because you are incapable of stepping outside of your tiny frame of opinion.



Ok so we both believe we are capable of thinking for ourselves so let’s do a little test.


We are both walking down Sheffield High Street tomorrow and we bump into two people.


The first is a mother of two young children who goes out to work for minimum wage and who is reliant on Tax Credits and Housing Benefit to get by.


The second is a businessman who last year earned around £150,000.


In the position of a politician you are presented with the question of how best to bridge the deficit problems, so do you take £60 a week from the mother reliant on Benefits, or from the Business man through taxation.


I’ve studied this and am perfectly comfortable with my position that I would take it from the businessman.


Now thinking for yourself what would you do?

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Ok so we both believe we are capable of thinking for ourselves so let’s do a little test.


We are both walking down Sheffield High Street tomorrow and we bump into two people.


The first is a mother of two young children who goes out to work for minimum wage and who is reliant on Tax Credits and Housing Benefit to get by.


The second is a businessman who last year earned around £150,000.


In the position of a politician you are presented with the question of how best to bridge the deficit problems, so do you take £60 a week from the mother reliant on Benefits, or from the Business man through taxation.


I’ve studied this and am perfectly comfortable with my position that I would take it from the businessman.


Now thinking for yourself what would you do?

Is that the choice? Are there no other options?
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Ok so we both believe we are capable of thinking for ourselves so let’s do a little test.


We are both walking down Sheffield High Street tomorrow and we bump into two people.


The first is a mother of two young children who goes out to work for minimum wage and who is reliant on Tax Credits and Housing Benefit to get by.


The second is a businessman who last year earned around £150,000.


In the position of a politician you are presented with the question of how best to bridge the deficit problems, so do you take £60 a week from the mother reliant on Benefits, or from the Business man through taxation.


I’ve studied this and am perfectly comfortable with my position that I would take it from the businessman.


Now thinking for yourself what would you do?


But were all in this together remember.

The businessman will already be paying 40% of his 150 k in taxes.


What has to be taken also in to account is that the business man may have spent years to get to the point of being able to earn this kind of salary and may have 4 kids to support himself.

You picked 2 situations without analysing any detail.Things are not always black or white you know.

I am a parent of 2 children and despite having a disability and having a son with multiple disabilities I have had to work hard to acheve a reasonable standard of living so the sympathy card really doesn't have any bearing on this.

We are all responsible for our children ( or at least we should be) so these comparisons are not a good way to get the message across.

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