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Hmm comparing 5 years of Conservative government with 13 years of Labour .. I think you will find you are fudging the stats to suit your won agenda. Something you are adept at but not clever enough to hide it would seem.


I suggest you and anyone else who does not understand the damage caused to the UK economy by Bullion Brown should have a read of this article in the Labour supporting Guardian news paper website: http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/2010/oct/18/deficit-debt-government-borrowing-data


You can clearly see for the period '79 to '97 the deficit does not rise above 46% but the two blaring spikes are the result of Labour governments even though the Conservatives of the 80's and 90's also had recessions to contend with. This all comes to a head with the exponential growth in our nations debt in 2009 only months before labour are booted out of office. Thank God!




Well I'm happy to talk about the bigger picture here, you want to fudge data and compare apples with oranges to make your argument have any chance of standing up on its own.


Now back to my other question, when will you finally give an answer to your other ludicrous claims? Remember the £9 trillion claim, I remember you saying you would clarify your position but you scuttled away as usual never to be seen again on that particular thread.


You can see the data in Graph form here:




What I can see in the data is a Labour Govt in the Seventies bringing the countries debt under control, no mean achievement in the wake of the oil crisis. A Thatcherite experiment in the late 80s that significantly reduced the debt but that caused so much consternation and opposition she was removed by her own party and the Policy reversed. Labour when elected following in Thatcher's footsteps decreasing the debt although not quite as far, followed by a period of sensible and modest investment until the banking crisis hit where GDP fell and public spending was required to prevent unemployment and protect the economy.

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But were all in this together remember.

The businessman will already be paying 40% of his 150 k in taxes.


What has to be taken also in to account is that the business man may have spent years to get to the point of being able to earn this kind of salary and may have 4 kids to support himself.

You picked 2 situations without analysing any detail.Things are not always black or white you know.

I am a parent of 2 children and despite having a disability and having a son with multiple disabilities I have had to work hard to acheve a reasonable standard of living so the sympathy card really doesn't have any bearing on this.

We are all responsible for our children ( or at least we should be) so these comparisons are not a good way to get the message across.


I disagree, this is exactly the situation any Government has to face when dealing with a deficit.


They either cut expenditure or raise income, the current Government in Whitehall have decided to cut expenditure by attacking the poor whilst the well-off have remained relatively unscathed.


Supporters of the Government should be able to justify these actions and if Serapis is a propery Tory then he shouldn't be frightened to answer the question.


My sneaky suspicion is that he cannot justify these actions but doesn't want to admit to it.

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I disagree, this is exactly the situation any Government has to face when dealing with a deficit.


They either cut expenditure or raise income, the current Government in Whitehall have decided to cut expenditure by attacking the poor whilst the well-off have remained relatively unscathed.


Supporters of the Government should be able to justify these actions and if Serapis is a propery Tory then he shouldn't be frightened to answer the question.


My sneaky suspicion is that he cannot justify these actions but doesn't want to admit to it.


We should all follow Nick Cleggs example to put things right.


He has taken a 10% pay cut from his renumeration.


He now gets 27 pieces of silver.

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I disagree, this is exactly the situation any Government has to face when dealing with a deficit.


They either cut expenditure or raise income, the current Government in Whitehall have decided to cut expenditure by attacking the poor whilst the well-off have remained relatively unscathed.


Supporters of the Government should be able to justify these actions and if Serapis is a propery Tory then he shouldn't be frightened to answer the question.


My sneaky suspicion is that he cannot justify these actions but doesn't want to admit to it.


Maybe he thinks that he 'agrees to disagree with you ' and theres no point in trying to get you to see his point of view.

Sometimes this is the best way when you know you are not going to see eye to eye.

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  • 2 weeks later...
From your own link '92-'96 saw an average deficit of -6.1% .. that's half the deficit we have currently and that was in the time of recession also.


The years after Labour came to power, they kept the UK in deficit the entire time, so Labour spent more then we could afford from day one until they lost power :roll: That is bad economics in anyone's eyes.


Ahh yes, I remember 92 - 96, I left schoo 1992l, applied for any and every job I thought I could do, but didn't get a job 1997 - why? Bacause the Tories had cocked up the national economy and gone out of their way to destroy the South Yorkshire one.


What a wonderful time, now they (and their political bitches) want to send me and the rest of the region back to being Giro central!

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The Lib Dems are not quite in meltdown. They have held a number of seats in recent by-elections around the country, even winning the odd one or two here and there.


However, overall, the Lib Dems are showing significant decreases in their share of the vote in these be-elections - none more so than the recent by-election in Sheffield in the Manor Castle ward.



Lab 2092 (75.8;+20.4), Lib Dem 303 (11.0;-14.5), Green 224 (8.1;+3.8 ), Con 142 (5.1;-2.1), [bNP (0.0;-7.6)]

Majority 1789. Turnout 22.38%. Lab hold. Percentage change is since May 2010


Now whilst it was confidently expected that Labour would hold this seat, Labour obtained a record 75+% share of the vote, and the Lib Dem vote simply collapsed.


Hmmm... on reflection maybe a 75% share of the vote for Labour, a 14.5% drop in the Lib Dem share of the vote and also managing to poll not much more than the Green Party could be construed as a Lib Dem meltdown after all? ;)

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