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What I think the people of Sheffield are really interested in is to know that the Lib Dems are working hard for them in their City all year round, as demonstrated here in the links.

Getting the job done for local people is what they care about, not some sensationalist news stories or threads that are merely propoganda to attempt to project information that simply cannot be proven.



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What I think the people of Sheffield are really interested in is to know that the Lib Dems are working hard for them in their City all year round, as demonstrated here in the links.

Getting the job done for local people is what they care about, not some sensationalist news stories or threads that are merely propoganda to attempt to project information that simply cannot be proven.




People do not want to accept that they are part of a coalition and have to compronise.

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well, looking at prime ministers questions today, old Harriet Harperson is running rings Round old Cleggy boy, he looks well out of his depth. They are talking about students tuition fees which Cleggy in the run up to the elections went round a few universities, say they would oppose this. But now the lib dums are in power he seems to have done a massive u turn. No wonder its their first time in power for years, lets hope these next few years will be their last and they implode into oblivion where they belong

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  • 2 weeks later...
I see there are problems for them in Rochdale, I wonder how many more Local COunciillors up and down the country are feeling the same.




At last the penny as dropped. :hihi:



"We don't feel this is the party we were elected to - that is the bottom line."




Mrs Flynn said she expected other councillors to resign in the coming days - which could strip the coalition of its majority.



She said: "We didn't like the direction the leadership were taking us.


"There has been a lot of dissatisfaction for many months."

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What I think the people of Sheffield are really interested in is to know that the Lib Dems are working hard for them in their City all year round, as demonstrated here in the links.

Getting the job done for local people is what they care about, not some sensationalist news stories or threads that are merely propoganda to attempt to project information that simply cannot be proven.




When your ability to do your job, or even your having a job is dependent on the whim of central government, of which the Lib Dems are a part, 'local people' will care a great deal.


The Tories have to be commended for one of the most successful scaremongering campaigns for a long time.

The saddest thing is that this crisis is self-perpetuating and although you can make cuts until the cows come home, unless public spending increases, this ship will not right itself for a long time.

It seems that many are also forgetting that this is a global crisis and certainly not solely down to Gordon Brown et al.

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