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What kind of message does this sent out to the Olympic committee, I bet they are really glad they chose a country that takes sport so seriously :rolleyes:


A battle is raging at the heart of government over a decision by the education secretary, Michael Gove, to slash £162m of sports funding in English schools as the country prepares for the 2012 Olympics and bids for the 2018 World Cup.
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Clegg is making the right noises but does he have the balls to kill a policy that was not in any manifesto or indeed the coaltion agreement. I hope he does becaused this will be bad for our kids otherwise.


Come on Nick. What can you do?


Talk about a short sighted and stupid policy. Save a bit of money now at the expense of childrens health and fitness in the future. :loopy:

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it seems to me all this condems have done is attack the students and gone council tenant bashing and a lot of council tenants voted for either the conservatives or the libdems

will they now bring back the work house "I think they would if they could get away with it "


You dont like the fact it will be much harder for some to sit on their arses all their lifes sponging off the rest off us?

How are they bashing council tenants?

And if people want to go on to further educate their selfs then why should the rest of us pay for it?

You probablyhavnt noticed but Labour left the country in a financial mess,no matter who got in there would be massive cuts.Of course its very easy for oposition parties to say they would do things different,but anyone with any brains knows what they say and what they do is two different things!

I truley hope labour and its spin never ever ever get anywhere near the reigns of this country again.

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I believe Gove has been forced to do a speedy u-turn with his idea of transferring education funding from local authorities to central govt. Apparently a lot of Tory councillors were not very impressed with the idea :D


It looks like you are correct as per the link.


Is there anything this coalition won't change their mind on?



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What I think the people of Sheffield are really interested in is to know that the Lib Dems are working hard for them in their City all year round, as demonstrated here in the links.

Getting the job done for local people is what they care about, not some sensationalist news stories or threads that are merely propoganda to attempt to project information that simply cannot be proven.




It's official folks, irony is dead.

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You dont like the fact it will be much harder for some to sit on their arses all their lifes sponging off the rest off us?

How are they bashing council tenants?

And if people want to go on to further educate their selfs then why should the rest of us pay for it?

You probablyhavnt noticed but Labour left the country in a financial mess,no matter who got in there would be massive cuts.Of course its very easy for oposition parties to say they would do things different,but anyone with any brains knows what they say and what they do is two different things!

I truley hope labour and its spin never ever ever get anywhere near the reigns of this country again.


For the love of God, you don't pay for us. GRADUATES PAY SUBSTANTIALLY MORE IN TAX THAN NON-GRADUATES. If you wish to look at it in black and white terms, then current students will pay for you.


And before the obvious response accusing me of supporting Labour, I despise the Labour party just as much as the Lib Dems, although admittedly not quite as much as the Tories. Then again, I despise the Tories because they despise me, despite being quite happy to have their comfortable little lives subsidised by money from my country (and your county, by the way).

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It's coming folks. Will the lib dems even EXIST soon?


Don't kid yourself, The Labs and The Cons have been responsible for far worse in the past and got away with it.


The Lib faction of the LibLabCon Party will suffer short term setbacks, but like the other 2 factions the Idiot Masses will forget.

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