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It wouldn't surprise me if Clegg actually joins the Tory party officially eventually. When the next election comes, I can't see many people voting Lib after the way he let them down this time. If the Tories look likely to win the next election with an overall majority, then that would be his best bet of hanging onto some sort of power which is all he is interested in now. That said, he might need a new safe seat in some other part of the country.

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that would be his best bet of hanging onto some sort of power which is all he is interested in now.
Do you know him personally? When did he tell you this? It always surprises me when people make these statements publically and so dogmatically as though they actually know them as a fact. It's misleading at best and deliberate misinformation at worst.


I still feel that he's being pilloried unfairly for forming the coalition. I think he, and most of the LibDems, saw it as a chance to get at least some of their policies through and as a way of having a moderating influence on the Tories, at the same time keeping Labour out, which is obviously the main aim.


Having said that I feel that the reaction after Osbourne's presentation was a disgrace on that entire side of the House. They should be feeling quite ashamed and embarrassed by themselves today.

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This seems an appropriate place to mention that Question Time's coming to Sheffield again in a couple of weeks.


You can apply to be in the audience here.


I think it's going to be one of the livelier episodes.


I wonder if at some point there will be a schism in the party and someone will break ranks. With last week's budget announcements actually targeting the most vulnerable section of society most of all, I wouldn't be surprised.

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I wonder if at some point there will be a schism in the party and someone will break ranks. With last week's budget announcements actually targeting the most vulnerable section of society most of all, I wouldn't be surprised.
Me neither. Vince Cable in particular most most uncomfortable with it all
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When all the excrement hits the fan, me thinks different.


You mean you hope.


Its a shame the fight left in the queens official opposition is to continues try to predict the downfall of the government in any way they can.


Democracy booted out the idiots who ruined this countries economy, now it is left to those with more up their sleeves then bribing the under-classes with handouts to fix the problems.


The Conservative / Lib Dem coalition will stay in power until the next general election no matter how much wishful thinking comes from the Chav party. Even if the coalition failed, Labour does not have enough support to form a new government and the only outcome would be a minoty government by the largest of the two incumbent parties, the Conservatives.

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Despite despising their Leader I wouldn't want to see the end of the Libdems, they are a Party full of people with good principles who need to sort out the direction they want to go in.


Despise is such a strong and emotive word. I'm no fan of either Gordon Brown or Tony Blair, but I'd never say I hate or despise them. Would you despise Clegg if he joined a coalition with Labour? Or would he have been your veritable hero?

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Do you know him personally? When did he tell you this? It always surprises me when people make these statements publically and so dogmatically as though they actually know them as a fact. It's misleading at best and deliberate misinformation at worst.


I still feel that he's being pilloried unfairly for forming the coalition. I think he, and most of the LibDems, saw it as a chance to get at least some of their policies through and as a way of having a moderating influence on the Tories, at the same time keeping Labour out, which is obviously the main aim.


Having said that I feel that the reaction after Osbourne's presentation was a disgrace on that entire side of the House. They should be feeling quite ashamed and embarrassed by themselves today.


Admit it ruby. I've had to. At least he'll be able to find a suitable tax haven for his 30 pieces of silver.

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Despise is such a strong and emotive word. I'm no fan of either Gordon Brown or Tony Blair, but I'd never say I hate or despise them. Would you despise Clegg if he joined a coalition with Labour? Or would he have been your veritable hero?


I despise the man for his support in implementing the most savage cuts on the most vulnerable/poor people in Society.


If he'd have implemented alternative policies directed at hitting those who could afford to be hit, then no I wouldn't have despised him irrespective of which party he had joined.

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Mervin King sort of got it right whrn he said 6 months ago "whoever wins the next election will be out of power for a generation".

With opinion polls showing Lib Dem support down to around 12% they are nothing more than cannon fodder at the moment.If they get wiped out in next years local elections, it will be interesting to see whether the grass roots of the party are still behind the coalition.

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